Angelo stepped in water, and it got to his ankles. It tickled and was at a nice temperature. Daniel put the swimming ring on Angelo, and the boy slowly continued to step in the water. It reached his stomach, and he started to splash it around with his hands. Daniel dived in making big water splashes hit Angelo's face. He flinched and saw Evan coming closer to him. His big musculine arms and six pack were shining in the sun. "Do you want me to teach you how to swim?" He asked, taking Angelo's hands. He nodded yes, and Evan pulled him in the water completely. Angelo was surprised by how fast everything happened, but it was nice how the swimming ring was keeping him from touching the ground and how Evan pulled him gently around the pool. He made sure to never let go.

"How is he doing that?" Angelo asked, seeing how Nick was swimming on his back, coming closer to the boys and purposely splashing them with water. But that caused Daniel to jump on him, and they started playfully fighting. "You'll learn that by time, but let's start with the basics now." Evan said, pulling Angelo away from troublemakers. "While swimming, you have to move your arms and legs so you won't drown. Move your arms like this." Evan gestured with one arm and with the other holding Angelo. Then the boy tried himself, and Evan said he's doing it right. "Okay, and for your legs, you can just... ahh, I don't know how to explain. Daniel, come show how to move your legs!" Evan yelled, and Daniel swam to them in a blink of an eye. He demonstrated, and Angelo tried to do that too.

After a while of trying, Angelo was too scared to lean to the front, so Evan said it was alright, and he continued to pull Angelo around the pool. "Why isn't Elias swimming?" Angelo asked Evan. "He doesn't like sun. Maybe he's a vampire, I don't know." Evan said jokingly and shrugged his shoulder. "What's a vampire?" He asked. "Ohhhh, that's a long story... we'll they drink blood and die after stepping in the sun." Evan said, but Angelo was terrified after hearing that they drink blood. "Don't worry, they're not real." Dominic said, jumping in the water and pulling Elias with him. The splashes were big, but Angelo giggled. After diving out of the water, Elias hit Dominic for making him get in the water. It wasn't hard, but Dom playfully fell in the water groaning like Eli had hit him hard. "Hey, where's lunch?" Nick asked, jumping on Dominics back. "It's almost ready." He answered and tried getting Nick off of him, but then Daniel jumped on Nicholas.

"I like summer." Angelo said while Dominic was pulling him around the pool. "Yes, summer is nice. Do you know what else is in summer?" Dom asked. "What is?" Angelo asked curiosity. "Your birthday! We missed it this year, though... but don't worry, next year I'll make you a delicious cake!" Dom said, smiling. Angelo's birthday was on 6th July. He knew that because that was the only day Sir would let him walk about the house. He said it's a present, and Angelo was thankful for it.

"When's your birthday?" He asked Dominic. "Mine's in winter.  February 24th." He answered. "Daniels in autumn. 1st November." Dominic said. "Yeah, our parents fucked on valentines." Evan said while swimming past them. "Evans and Elias birthday is in winter like mine. In 21st December. Then Nick's in spring 11th May. And Alexander's birthday is in summer too but it was in 16th June." Dominic said. Angelo wanted to remember everything, but the different dates already got mixed up in his little brain. All the boys spent some more time in the water, but Dominic made everyone step out since the lunch was ready. Angelo had gotten a little sunburn, but Alexander made sure to do everything so it didn't hurt.


The second day of school came, and Alexander was stressing about it more than Angelo himself. He had explained that he wouldn't be able to be with him and that his classmates were all the same age as him and that they won't hurt him. Angelo couldn't understand why Alex Alex stay with him, but he wanted to be good so his brothers won't get mad.

When they got to the classroom, Alexander made sure Angelo's uniform is perfect and hugged him before letting him in. "If something happens, call me, and I will come get you right away." Alexander said and let go of Angelo. The boy stepped in and closed the classroom door. There Mrs.Brown greeted him, and he went to the same seat he chose yesterday. Minutes went by, and he watched how kids were coming in and taking their seats. Then, a boy with light brown hair took a seat next to Angelo. "Hi, I'm  Lucas! What's your name?" The boy asked. Angelo hesitated for a bit but decided his brothers would be happy if he got a friend. "I-I'm Angelo." He said, and the boy reached out his hand for Angelo to shake. Tony had teached him what it meant so he took the boys hand that wasn't much bigger than his and shook it. "Nice to meet you! You're my first friend here!" Lucas said happily and smiled.

The hours went by fast, and Angelo didn't even have much time to think about his brothers. Most of the time, Lucas spent telling Angelo many interesting stories from the time he spent in Italy this summer. Since it was a prep school, they didn't really study but played and made handmade stuff. Angelo had a nice time, but he was really happy when Alexander came to take him home.


The next week meant to be the first day of school for all the other boys. The house was normal, but in Angelo's eyes, it was chaos. He was the only person ready because he had already gotten used to waking up at 7am. Even though they won't have classes today, only a ceremony and time to get to know their classmates they couldn't be late. Dominic was ironing Daniels white shirt while he was falling asleep in the kitchen. Evan with Elias was watching how to knot a tie on YouTube while Alexander was making breakfast. Nick was still sleeping since his universitys studies had already started, but today he had lectures late. Everyone kept glancing at the clock, and at 7.40, everyone ran out of the house to the car. Alex was driving and got to the school fast. He wished everyone good luck and said that Dominic would get them later.

Angelo was surprised by how many people were around the school. Everyone was busy with their own lives. Some were hugging each other meeting after the summer brake, and some were running inside the school looking for the right classroom in hopes of being on time. The three brothers said goodbye to Angelo and went to their own classroms.

Later, at 8.03, everyone was greeted by the schools principal. She said inspiring speech and after the same did schools president from 12th grade. Everyone was dismissed, and all the students went to their classrooms. Now, there were even more students in Angelo's class because not everyone went to the prep school. Luckily, Lucas was with him.

At 10 am, people were leaving the school, and Angelo saw Dominic by his classroom door. He ran up and hugged him. They both went to the car and waited for others. The first to come was Daniel, who was excitedly talking about how he and his friends ran from the schools bodyguards because they had gotten to the football field, but that wasn't allowed yet. Later, an angry Evan came with Elias, whose emotions were unreadable. Evan shut the door loudly, that it sounded like it broke. "Evan, what the fuck are you doing! The door is not responsible for what happened in school! Why are you so angry?" Dom asked because now his mood was ruined too. "Me and Elias are not in the same class." Evan said. "So what?" Dom asked. "Shut up and drive. I'll talk to Alex later." Evan said counting numbers in his head to calm himself down. He doesn't want to leave Elias in a place where he doesn't know what's happening to him. If someone starts bullying him because he's not around, he wouldn't be able to live with that.

The ride to the home was silent, and Angelo couldn't figure out why Evan was so angry about that. When they pulled up to the house, Evan jumped out of passengers seat and quickly pulled Elias out of the car, too. Then he kept pulling his twin by his wrist to Alexander's office.

"Why is Evan so angry about that?" Angelo asked Dominic after they had stepped into the house. "Well... Evan loves Elias too much. That's why he's so overprotective of him. Don't worry about it. They'll be okay." Dominic assured.

At that moment, Evan had barged into Alexander's office with Elias behind him. As soon as the door swung open, Alex looked up, annoyed. He sighed and asked, "How was the first day of school?"
"It was horrible!" Evan yelled. "Calm down and stop squeezing Elias' arm. You're hurting him." Alexander said, and Evan let go of his twin, scolding himself. "Why aren't we in the same class?" Evan asked. Alexander knew he would be angry, so he didn't say that earlier. "Well, since Elias grades are better, he was moved to a better class. I'm sorry." Alex said. "I don't care! Can't you pay some more so we would be in the same class? I can't - I'll go crazy if we won't be together." Evan said. "Evan, please understand that money can't solve everything, and I'm scared of the schools principal." Alex said, standing up from his chair. "Elias is not a kid anymore. What could happen to him at school? Is bullying happening in high school, too? And besides, who would bully him?" Alexander continued. "Oh my fucking God! Do you even know what your talking about?! Just look at Eli! He's basically a target for bullies! Fuck..." Evan said and stared to rub his forhead. "Okay, Eli, I'll figure something out. We'll make some new rules okay? Let's go." Evan said and pulled his twin outside Alexander's office.

'They had rules?' He thought.

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