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"Yeah I know I'm hot."


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Brynn's POV

Collin picked me up. "Hey bry." He said unlocking the car door.
"Hey Col." I said smiling.
"I got to pick up Andrew if that's okay?"
"Yeah of course why would it not."
Collin chuckled.
"I don't know just saying."

My phone went off.
It was a text from him. I'll respond later.
"Is that who I think that is?" Collin asked turning down the road.
"Can we talk bout this later?" I asked.
Collin nodded.


"Only think about him on the weekdays and weekends, only in the mornings and evenings. Oh my god." I sang letting the music drown me.
The words just popped into my mind as I let the music control my thoughts.

I got stuck in every song. That's why I love it so much.
The music stopped as my manager Leah, knocked on the glass.
I sat the headphones down and moved away from the microphone as I walked out of the recording session.

Emma, Rosa, Collin and Andrew sat in the room.
Andrew is one of Collin's friends also the guitarist of his band.
Emma's mouth was hung open.
Collin was smiling and Rosa was snapping pictures.

"What's up, Leah?" I asked nervously. Usually when she needed something it wasn't good. I'm always scared hopeless records was gonna drop me for no reason.

"So I have big news!" She said excitedly.
"Oh? What news? Spill?" I asked my anxiety sitting comfortably in my stomach.
"You're playing warped tour!"
"What? No way!!" I shouted.
Collin smiled widely.
"We're going to wrapped tour together!!" He said.

"No you all are going. Brynn is gonna need her makeup artist, Emma. And her photographer, Rosa." Leah replied. Her blonde hair was in a slick back bun. She was always dressed professionally even if it wasnt needed.
"I don't need a makeup artists?" I replied confused.
"Well.. they think you do. That's how you can bring Emma so you should be thanking me." Leah replied joking.
"Thanks Leah." I replied hugging her quickly.

Leah left the studio.
"So are we just not gonna talk about the elephant in the room?" Rosa asked sharing looking with Emma who were both smirking.
"What?" I replied crossing my arms.
"That new song your singing is so about himmmmm." She replied wiggling her eyebrows.

"Ew gross no it's not. I don't write happy songs about men." I spoke.
"Col help" I replied groaning in annoyance at my best friends.
Andrew chuckled.
"They've got a point." Collin replied.

"You could get him Brynn. You already have, you know." Rosa replied.
"Plus you're hot." Emma added.
"I know I'm hot but I don't want anything." I said.
"Keep telling yourself that." Rosa laughed.
"Okay all of you out. You lost privileges." I said laughing shoving them out of the room.

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