Lodestar 70 (Keefe POV)

Start from the beginning

He would die before he hurt her that way—or before he let anyone else do it, either.

Even as terror and rage coursed through him while he tried to figure out how to get his friends safely out of this, he could feel Foster's desperation. He knew she, too, was trying to figure out how to get out of this situation.

And knowing her, she was probably also trying to find a way to rescue him while she did so.

Suddenly, Brant flinched and his flames snuffed out. But Keefe barely registered that fact as his world dissolved into agonizing pain. It seemed to permeate every inch of Keefe from head to toe as he lost all sense of self, collapsing to the floor.

He had no idea how long that lasted. The first thing he was aware of was perhaps the only thing that could possibly have gotten through to him in that moment: the sound of Sophie's mental voice filling his head.

If you can hear me, Keefe, try to fight through the darkness. The pain's not real. Shove it aside and come back to the surface.

So Keefe tried to pull himself back to reality. Even in the pain, he knew without a doubt that he would always come back for her.

The first thing he was truly aware of was someone—undoubtedly Sophie—gently pulling him into their arms. The murmur of voices overhead slowly came into focus.

"I don't think it's safe to leap Keefe until he's out of the daze," he heard her saying to the others.

"Leap...where?" Keefe managed to grunt between labored breaths.

She held him tighter. "I'm so sorry--I couldn't take them down without hurting you."

Keefe tried to smile, looking up at her. "Admit it...Foster...you're enjoying this...a little."

"Never," she insisted in a choked voice.

He could feel that. He knew just how guilty she felt, having to hurt him in order to take down the others. She was heartbroken over it.

In a way that made Keefe feel fairly swoony, in spite of the pain.

"It's not that bad," he promised her. And the pain really was starting to recede.

Until he tried to open his blistered, blackened hand. Ow.

"Remind me to kick Brant in the junk a few times once he's awake."

"Only if I get a turn," she said. "Physic has lots of burn salve at Alluvettere. I'm sure she'll get you fixed up."

"Physic? Why not Elwin?"

"Tam's the only one who has a leaping crystal with him, and he's been living at the hideout. We kinda came here by accident--it's a long story. I'll tell you once we're back in the Lost Cities."

"He has a crystal to Alluveterre?"

"Yeah. Why?"

Keefe closed his eyes. He knew what he had to do.

But he hated it.

"What's wrong?" she asked. "Is it hurting?"


"No, it's..." He took a slow breath and pulled himself up, cradling his injured hand. "I can't go with you guys. I know you think this fixes everything--but Fintan's vision is huge. And all of this will only be a small setback. We still need someone on the inside--"

"Do you really think Fintan will trust you after you let everyone get captured?" Foster interrupted. "Think of what he did to your mom, and she only cost him one prisoner. Look at what Brant just did to you!" She grabbed his wrist, forcing him to look at his oozing wound. "Would they do that if they trusted you?"

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