Chapter Six: First (Mis)adventure

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Astra felt someone shaking her shoulder before a quiet conversation reached her ears. "Astra. Are you okay?" She recognized the worried voice, it belonged to Jack.
When Astra woke up, she coughed hoarsely and shook off the dirt. She shook her head, remembering the mishap involving the ground-bridge. Optimus Prime and his team of Autobots were retreating back to base, when the Nemesis appeared floating over the battlefield. After that, she recalled the roar of a blast, and, then, the portal's failure... Then nothing. That must've been the moment in which she and Jack had both lost consciousness. Astra really hoped the others made it through before the vortex snapped. Especially them... After all, this mess was due to Miko had dragged an unwilling Astra into the battlefield, thanks to which Jack and Rafael showed up too, claiming they were just trying to stop the girl, considering it wasn't the first time the boys attempted to save Miko from herself.
She looked up into her friend's eyes, full of worry and concern. "I—" Astra had let out another hoarse cough. "I'm okay." She grunted as she struggled to get up. She staggered a bit, but she managed to find her balance with Jack's help.
Jack let out a weary sigh and ran a hand through his messy black hair, looking agitated. "I'm going to have a few words with Miko for dragging you into the field where you could have been captured... or worse."
Astra scoffed, still feeling bitter about being dragged into the mess by the reckless girl. "Please do. You'll be doing me a favor." She looked around and took notice that they were deep underground like an abandoned Energon mine, their phones won't work too well in the surrounding earth. She'd been in places like this before — tunnels inside ancient ruins, tombs Jack's dad had excavated — but Astra have never liked them. Millions of tons of rock above her seemed to crush the air out of her lungs.
Jack took out his flashlight from his pocket, revealing to the two human kids that they were both trapped in an underground tunnel. "Let's find a way out." He glanced at his companion. "Astra. I know it has been a while, but can you try to use your tracking skills?"
Astra shrugged. "I'll try." Astra started using her tracking and scouting skills that she learned from her dad and his best friends. The flashlight that Jack was carrying made their shadows dance.
They walked through the tunnels below the world, casting a train of eerie silhouettes, all stretched out and flickering against the cave walls. Astra tried to focus on the people and her tracking instead of their monstrous shadows, but she couldn't stop her eyes from wandering to the rock walls, where their distorted versions twisted and hovered. Jack's shadow was also in a spindly form.
Astra swallowed and closed her eyes, trying to separate what was real from what was fear and anxiety. She has rough memories of her past, especially when she was exploring the underground tunnel. But that's when a voice had broke through her and snapped her back to her senses.
"Astra." The mentioned girl slowed down in her steps and lowered her head slightly to listen to Jack. "You're awfully quiet. Are you okay?"
At first, she didn't say anything and her expression was very hard to read. But she finally found the courage to reveal her fear to him. The girl's eyes rested on the underground world and seemed to be reflecting off of it, as if she was seeing the history happening in the midst of the earth. "Sorry. I'm a little claustrophobic."
Jack smiled at her gently and patted her shoulder. "Don't worry. Everyone's afraid of something." He smirked at her playfully. "Didn't you heard that Miko is terrified of spiders?"
Astra faked gasped at that, since she heard Miko shrieking about a tiny spider with an amused smirk. "Miss Rebel is terrified of a itsy bitsy spider?"
Jack chuckled softly at Astra's mischievous tone. "That's beside the point." His bright blue orbs seemed to have the ability to see into one's very soul with ease. "Being brave doesn't mean you shouldn't be afraid. It means you are afraid, but you have to face it firsthand."
After they spoke, they continued exploring and struggling on finding a way out. They walked through the tunnels below the world, casting a train of eerie silhouettes, all stretched out and flickering against the cave walls. Astra tried to focus on Jack and her tracking instead of their monstrous shadows, but she couldn't stop her eyes from wandering to the rock walls, where their distorted versions twisted and hovered. Jack's shadow was also in a spindly form.
Then a cold chill ran up her body when a breeze passed through, and she shivered. She inhaled shakily, watching as the shadows all around her seemed to stretch on for infinity the further down she went. With that thought, another lightning bolt of anxiety flashed through her veins. Automatically, she started humming one of her favorite songs to herself — an old song she vaguely remembered being sung to her when she was a little girl. It was one of the few coping mechanisms that helped to calm her nerves whenever the stress became too much for her — at least, whenever she was alone and a panic attack wasn't hindering her breathing pattern.
She shivered again only half a minute later, her body still rigid. She quieted for a moment, considering. Then she started to sing the lyrics aloud, low and soft.
"Where the North wind meets the sea
There's a river full of memory."
Jack smiled softly at Astra as he listened to her singing. Singing hadn't been a part of her life until one day her music teacher signed her up in a choir when she was fourteen. She felt so insecure when she stepped inside the audition room. Standing right in the middle of the room while her classmates watched on. She was surprised to felt the burst of confidence that went through her and sang along with the piano that her music teacher had played on. From that point on she would be participating in recitals, performing in churches, and even being a part of a choir when she was in middle school.
"Sleep, my darling, safe and sound.
For in this river, all is found."
The further they walked, the more Astra's voice would ever so slightly grow louder, and in turn, her muscles began to relax more.
"In her waters, deep and true.
Lie the answers and a path for you.
Dive down deep into her sound.
But not too far or you'll be drowned."
The two kids both stopped walking about a minute later when they came to a partial empty Energon mine, but it was full of Insecticons collecting leftover Energon. They were being monitored by Starscream.
Astra had immediately stopped singing when she spotted the 'Cons. Jack's eyes widened with horrified fear. He carefully dragged Astra next to some shadowed rocks and they both ducked down, hiding together with their shoulders brushing against each other. Emotions rolled around inside Astra like a whirlwind. She don't know whether to feel scared or wary or nervous or uncertain. Astra looked around, looking scared and defensive of their situation. She couldn't even tell what she was feeling. Wary, trapped, frustrated — grateful, safe, alone, protected — on fire — wanting the to do the right things — confused, confused, confused.
But luck wasn't on their side when an unseen Insecticon had spotted them. "Starscream. Interference will not be tolerated!"
Jack and Astra exchanged startled looks at the sound of his voice. But Astra stamped her foot and her eyes were blazing with fierce resistance. Jack smiled at the sight as his eyes were shone with bold determination.
That's when a fight had broke out between them.
Banging and crashing could be heard as Jack dodged the 'Cons from below. But, taking fearless leaps on high ledges and agile turns to get away from the 'Cons was Astra.
Astra noticed that Starscream had transformed into a skinny gray jet and started flying around. A crazy urge to help Jack suddenly overtook Astra. She frowned, but she strengthened her resolve and decided to help them by doing something reckless. 
She carefully climbed up onto the sturdiest ledges, but she made sure to keep herself hidden from plain sight. Starscream flew overhead in his jet mode, and flew higher and higher into the mine. Then, he turned right around and flew down, making a B-line for a fighting Jack and Starscream soon revealed a bright red missile, ready to fire it. She waited patiently for the jet made its way towards Jack. Astra was unsure of what she has to do, but when she glanced at her friend, the answer is clear to her.
She found herself in a low crouch, both familiar and instinctive. A foreign energy blazed into her muscles — every fiber seemed taut and ready to release. Her senses had never felt so keen. She heard the sounds of battle all around her. She could feel Jack's fear from where she's at, and could distinguish easily between them and Starscream. Her vision was enhanced as well. No part of her intended to heed her fleeing instincts.
Her heart swelled with courage. And she sprang.
Although several paces from the tree, Astra closed the distance with a single leap. She and Starscream both fought for each other's control. He started flying around wildly, trying to shake the young human girl off him. But the girl refused to give up on the sky battle between them. Astra hung on for her life as the 'Con soared higher. Even more so as he began spinning and accelerating in an attempt to shake her off.
"Let go of me!" Starscream yelled at her.
"Not a chance!" Astra let out a fierce cry of pure anger, which startled the bots below. "I'm returning the favor of what you've done to me!"
"And I'll happily do it again!" yelled Starscream.
"...Hey!" Astra punched him hard, causing him to flinch. "Yeah, you — the scrap-for-brains 'Con-reject with the cheap stilettos, inferiority-complex, and evidently freaky wrists!" Starscream growled as the human smirked dangerously. "You had destroyed innocent lives of others and didn't have the chance to know them better! You hurt my family! You've dishonored a fallen Seeker! You injured Jack's family! And you killed Arcee's partner! And I'm going to make you pay for your crimes ya creep!"
As she quickly looked around, analyzing and calculating of the next part of her plan. Astra looked down to see a cave below that's in the current direction of the missile. She noticed that the ledge she was on isn't too far from her.
Astra's eyes flashed with determination and carefully stood on Starscream while making sure he was heading towards the cave down below. It was a small, but dramatic jump. The rocks from the top of the ledge started to come loose just as her boots hit the ground safely on the ledge.
But her victory didn't last for long, Astra landed gracefully on a ledge before she ran towards Jack. Everyone was stunned as they all watched as Starscream accidentally sent his missile flying into the cave below and was yelled at by another bot. The energon crystals inside of the cave sparked as it caught on fire by the crashed missile. The spark led all to the missile, causing it to explode.
Luckily, Jack and Astra were both on the run together yet again. But this time, they were chased towards a small gorge. Astra flew across the gorge as she jumped. It was a small, but dramatic jump. The rocks from the top of the bridge started to come loose just as Astra's shoes hit the ground safely on the other side. She heard the landing of another person and a bit of panting from the person. She looked over her shoulder and sighed in relief to see Jack.
The two kids continued running together through the underground world. Astra spotted a small cave, she led Jack into the cave and both hid themselves in the shadows. She hissed in pain as her hands accidentally brushed against a new bleeding scar that was marked over her right eyebrow. Jack gave a slight hiss of sympathy when he saw her new scar. He took out his medical kit from his backpack and got to work on Astra's scar. She watched closely, smiling her approval and keeping still as Jack helped. But no matter how proud she was for his generous aid, she couldn't help, but notice how the fingers of Jack's right hand were just a few nanoseconds slower than his left hand.
Astra noticed a hint of a silvery-blue tattoo winding away into his sleeve, it resembles a few glyphs. The sight gave her a curious, but concerned thrill at the hidden tattoo. She doesn't know where it had came from, but she could see it was causing him some pain and distress on his arm.
"What is that?" Astra asked Jack curiously.
Jack blinked innocently. "What's what?"
She gave him a knowing look at his so-called "innocence." Astra always noticed when he was struggling to hide his emotions and his pain. "Don't play games with me mate. I saw that flinch and a glimpse of your new marking."
"I forgot how stubborn you can be at times." Jack sighed wearily and lifted his uniquely marked arm, knowing she wasn't going to let this topic slide off. "I don't know what it is. But it appeared two days after I've returned Optimus's memories of him being a Prime."
"You can ask him after we get out of here," said Astra.
Jack nodded his agreement to Astra, clearly understanding the situation, but he decided to change the topic. "When I was downloading the Key, it told me that humans and Cybertronians can be reborn into each other's species. But their memories have to be erased for safety measures."
"Really?" Astra was surprised by that and glanced at Jack curiously. "Who was your Cybertronian self then?"
He frowned, trying to figure out how to explain it to her. "My rebirth is a little different than others. Vector Sigma had told me that I was the reincarnation of an Autobot sniper named Tailgate."
Astra tilted her head curiously. "What's so different about your reincarnation?"
Jack sighed. "When I was being born, I was weak and the nurses believed that I couldn't survive long after my birth. But that's when something odd happened. After Tailgate was killed by Airachnid, he and Primus came to Earth and saw little me trying to survive after my birth." His eyes softened with warmth. "But Tailgate didn't want me to die right after I was born. So, he gave me his spark to help me live on Earth."
"That was pretty noble of him," Astra said softly.
Jack smiled warmly and nodded. "Yeah. Once I realized that secret from Vector Sigma, I've been meeting Tailgate in my dreams for a while."
"I hate to change the topic, but I'm curious now," said Astra curiously. "Who was I as a Cybertronian?"
At first, Jack didn't reply to her question. He suddenly placed his marked hand on her shoulder and closed his eyes, concentrating on what his new markings were saying to her. Jack soon opened eyes and seemed surprised at her reincarnation secret. "Um... Don't freak out. I think Vector Sigma has told me that you're the reincarnation of Elita-One."
"Elita-One?!" exclaimed Astra, stunned. "Wasn't she Optimus's Sparkmate who got killed by Megatron during the Exodus on Cybertron?"
Jack let out a heavy sigh. "Yup. Optimus hardly ever talks about her. It still hurts him to this day."
Astra sighed and continued using her tracking skills and scouting skills in the tunnel, she noticed that Jack had came to a sudden stop and looked over her shoulder in confusion.
That's when she saw that one of the crystals from her armband was levitating in the air. It was glowing and sparkling like a close up star. Jack and Astra both stood across from the shining crystal, watching it together and their eyes aglow.
All of the sudden, it successfully startling the two human kids as it revealed itself to them. "Go there."
They exchanged glances before they began climbing up the rocks and they reached the top of the rock pile. Jack looked left and right, making sure no one else was following them. Jack and Astra carefully started pushing and pulling the rocks out of her way. Though, both had to jump out of the way of a few rolling boulders after they had gotten it loose. Once they had gotten the rocks to make a small opening for them, Jack and Astra could see how dark it is. But she could see flecks of glowing blue crystals scattered around in the cave. Uncertain of what he should do, Jack jumped from the rock pile and landed without a problem. He was quickly followed by Astra and landed without a problem too.
The shard had started glowing brightly than before and leading her deeper into the cave. Sasha was wary at first, but she still followed it despite her fear. Though, she looked around with caution and determination. Everything seemed to be blackened by soot from some sort of explosion. Despite how dark it is, she could see faint outlines of rocks in the shadows. The cave seemed to be in a world of bronze and vaulted ceilings. Phosphorescent moss clung to the rocky walls and stalactites of a few glowworms above them. Water dripped softly here and there, and a rivulet ran through the cave, connecting some pools and puddles of water by the rainfall. But as the wind shrieked outside, it's warmer and quieter farther back in the cave. The duo both continued following the glowing crystal deeper into the depths of the cave.
"Help me... Help me..." Astra stopped after hearing the voice and asked herself who or what that voice was. She looked around warily, but didn't see anyone else other than Jack, who stood next to her side.
They soon walked into a regular-looking cave chamber. But, all of the sudden, a blue light had filled the chamber. Jack and Astra were both stunned, they weren't sure what to even say. They found themselves in an enormous carven cut from the rock. They could see that the walls, the ceiling, and the floor of the cave radiated a clear, dancing light. Through the rocks, the duo could see a figure on the other side of the cave.
As Astra continued to follow the radiant crystal, she came to an abrupt stop once she see who it was and Jack walked up behind her. It was a huge red bot with a single bull horn, but she could see he has a huge hole in his chest and he's not responding to the two human kids or the glowing crystal's sudden presences. Astra felt a little uneasy about being so close to a late bot. Her culture had a deep respect for the departed, and being near the fallen in the grieving process was done was seen as impudent.
When she touched his hand, he was freezing cold as ice, like he had been down for a long time. She was just guessing it was a he because she could not find any girl features on him.
"That's Cliffjumper," whispered Jack empathetically, immediately recognizing the fallen bot.
Astra tilted her head at Jack curiously. "You know him?"
"He... was Arcee's partner." Jack's expression was filled with sadness and sympathy as he gazed at the fallen bot. "But he was killed before I knew about the Autobots."
"Help me... Please... Too much... Darkness... I can't see... The light..." A voice called out pitifully and echoing through the underground tunnel, startling both Jack and Astra, who were both bathed in the Allspark's light.
"You must help him young one." The Allspark's voice had made Astra jumped in place, almost about the glowing crystal was with her. But she gotten over her surprise and immediately obeyed, she soon climbed up and she came to his chest where a large hole was in the left side. She was watched by Jack, who watched her with a concerned frown. The sight of it made her flinched at the sight and looked even more unsettled about the situation. "It pierced his spark."
"Spark?" Astra echoed, a question in the air.
"The Cybertroanian equivalent of a heart," Jack answered her, clearly hearing the Allspark's voice too.
The crystal floated up next to her, gazing at the fallen bot. Astra cringed at the darkness in the bot's optics. "Put me in his chest cavity."
Astra frowned with a curious look in her eyes, but she nodded understandingly. She didn't question it anymore and dropped it, waiting for the clang noise, but it never came. Instead, a glowing white light filled his chest. Astra immediately jumped off the glowing bot and quickly hid behind some rocks with Jack. He lightly placed a hand on her shoulder as they hid behind the rocks and continued watching it.
Out of nowhere, a massive explosion of light that nearly blinded them all. The explosion created a big smoke and also a shockwave that threw them all off their feet and everybody was down, but were slowly getting back up. He looked a whole lot better now and his missing horn has grew back too. The bot rose from his slumber, shaking off whatever had covered him during his sleep. As he gotten up, he looked to be under a great strain. Astra didn't blame him, if she had been dead down here for who-knows-how-long, she'd probably be strained too.
He shook his head, dazed and confused. "What happened?" Astra stiffened when she heard his voice. His voice sounded friendly and strong to her. She hesitantly stepped forward to gain a closer look at him, but was gently pulled back by Jack and he stood in front of her protectively, while accidentally stepping on some loose stones and alerting the bot. He quickly spotted Jack and Astra, who was watching him warily. "Humans?" Jack stood in front of Astra protectively while she inched closer to her hiding place as the bot stepped towards them. The duo watched as he stopped in front of them, a gentle smile gracing his features and offered his servo to Jack and Astra. "C'mon out, I won't hurtcha. I promise."
Astra looked up into his bright green optics that were brought out by his bright red paint and he smiled down at them warmly. "Who are you?"
"I'm Cliffjumper," said the bot proudly.
"I-I'm Astra." Her voice was strong and quiet as the summer rain, much like a younger version of Elita-One.
"And I'm Jack." His voice was calm and strong as the pouring rain, much like a younger version of Optimus.
"Pleased to meet ya kiddos." He laughed. It's a smooth, rolling laugh that made the duo smiled at him. His voice is like that too, calm and smooth so that when he talked, his voice rumbled warmly. It reminded Astra of the thunderstorms that would roll through the mountains and valleys of North Carolina. "So Jack, Astra, what's a pair of humans like you doing down here?"
"We were both guided here, I guess you could say," admitted Astra. "What about you, Cliffjumper? What's a bot like you doing here?"
"That's because... Because...." Cliffjumper had started to reply, placing his hand on his helm as if he was trying to remember. "I can't remember."
"You can't?" Astra asked, sounding confused and concerned.
"How about we reunite you with your team?" said Jack, a gentle smile gracing his features. "I'm sure Arcee misses you."
Cliffjumper's optics softened with love and regret for his partner, though he has a faint blue hue on his faceplates as if he was blushing. "Arcee." His voice softened, but a look of concern entered his optics. "Is she okay?"
"She's still brave and tough as ever," said Jack softly. "But she misses you a lot."
Cliffjumper's optics softened when he heard that, which turned into determination and hope. "Let's get out of here and return to our team." He went through first since he was the bigger out of the two and found a way out of the underground tunnel. Astra climbed out next with Jack behind her, but they needed extra help climbing out of the partially blocked cave. They climbed down to the base of the mountain. Jack texted his family, telling them they had met a new Autobot friend who offered them a ride to base.
Cliffjumper transformed into his car form (aka a red Dodge Challenger), revving his engine and opening the passenger side door. "You wanna ride with me kids?"
Astra looked around cautiously, then she slipped inside the car and Jack followed her. The duo both reached over their shoulders to put their respective seatbelts on, but they soon heard Cliffjumper's voice "Allow me" and buckled the two kids in. The belt gently tightened around them and the door closes with a soft bang.
"Thank you," Astra said.
"Thanks Cliff," said Jack.
"Sure thing kids," said Cliffjumper.
Astra leaned back in the seat and propped her elbow on the side of the door, staring out of the window as trees passed by and lightly dozed on the seat. By the time she woke up, they were all back in the Autobot base. He opened the door and the two kids both quickly snapped off the seatbelts, exiting the car.
"Jack!" Astra smiled as Jack was hugged by his worried mother and his messy hair was being stroked by Arcee.
"Astra." To her surprise, Astra felt herself being gently pressed against Wheeljack's white chassis, his two servos wrapped around her back. It was then that she realized he was hugging her. She was surprised, but she let herself clutch onto Wheeljack's plating as she curled into the warm metal chest, his spark beating away beneath several layers of armor. "Thank Cybertron you're alright." She sighed and snuggled into his embrace.

Transformers Prime: The Legacy of the Warrior (Under Editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant