Two - Misinformed

Start from the beginning


One Day Before Arriving at Kaza Village

The Legion units under my care were a rowdy bunch once they were allowed to go beyond simply following V and my orders. This was evident in the continuous stream of messages flowing into the chatbox.

Every second, a burst of new messages would fade in and out of the boundary of the chat box window. It was adorable of them to be excited about every little thing. Though their constant nagging for answers to the most basic questions about whatever they had laid their cameras on got tiresome after the first few hundred.

With a flick of my eyes, I directed one of my cameras to Heavy the Dinosauria.

'Hey Hey Heavy buddy. How's the new experience?' I tried again to communicate with the named Dinosauria.

[Heavy: Beautiful.] The short response was a great indicator of its fast learning progress. Soon, I would be free from my torment of only conversing with my blunt and boring disembodied partner, V.


Arriving to Zaka Village

One of my cameras zoomed in on our destination. The village was akin to a medieval era settlement, but without the people and needing major repairs on all of the houses within the village's wooden fence encirclement.

In all honesty, in my list of impressions of Zaka Village, finding safety in it was not one of them. There was barely any cover and anyone with artillery support can blast my little group to Kingdom Come.

'Why the hell are we heading there?' I questioned--300 miles was a very long distance to travel for a rundown village such as this one.

[Legion data obtained prior to disconnection and labeling of SCOR as Traitor, Zaka Village is categorized as contested grounds between Legion forces and enemy combatants. Though contested, neither side made any efforts to actually reclaim the land. Analyze results show little to no resistance when occupying this area.] V's reasoning was sound and I could not fault her in her decision making. As we discussed, 5 Ameise detached from the group to scout out the village.

Everything was going smoothly...

*Shoom* *Clink*


The calmness of our journey was broken by a soda can sized bullet bounced off of my right claw.

[Warning. We have encountered hostiles entrenched in Zaka Village.] Immediately, my units rushed to my defense and returned fire. Many of them made use of the terrain and human made structures for cover.

'No shit!' I yelled as another bullet impacted my armor. 'I thought you said this place was safe.'

[Database is...Outdated.] V seemed to hesitate when providing her response.

'God damn it!' I gritted my nonexistent teeth and closely surveyed the direction where the enemy was firing from. Behind the cover of the crumbling houses, I saw machines standing on two pairs of legs and shooting from a singular gun attached to their backs. Nothing in my database gave any hint on the origins of these robots. Perhaps they were also prototypes like myself.

Doing some quick math, there should only be around two dozen of them. And if I know my elementary math, which I do, we outnumber them 2 to 1.

[Probability of victory is calculated to be 60%.] V presented her findings on the outcome of the conflict if we were to engage.

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