Chapter 25 - I'm Adorable -

Start from the beginning

Shinobu gently pried his hand off her chest, feeling a mix of emotions as she did so.

On one hand, she was relieved and overjoyed that he can still move. But on the other hand, she was conflicted and embarassed by the fact that he was touching her this way, and she wasn't sure how to react.

Shinobu sat there, unable to move, staring down at Y/n. she sighs.

"You're in a coma yet you still have a bit of that perverted side left in you.." She grins.

"Which reminds me..."

Shinobu couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia. It was as if time had frozen, and she was back in that forest with Y/n, on patrol together.

She could still remember the way the moon shone through the trees, and the feeling of his hand on her skin. It was a moment that she cherished, a memory that she would always hold.

But as she thought back to that night, Shinobu also felt a sense of regret. What had happened between the two of them had been a moment of weakness, a lapse of judgment.

They had let their emotions get the best of them, and it had almost led to something they would have regretted.

"We.. almost did those things, didn't we, Y/n?" She wondered if maybe, just maybe, he was remembering that night too.

Maybe this was his way of telling her that he still wanted her, that he still cared for her. She felt her heart jump at the thought, her mind racing with possibilities.

Shinobu hesitates for a moment, her mind racing with the knowledge of what could happen if he continued to touch her like this.

But in the end, she decides that it would be OK for Y/n to rest his hand on her chest again, and gently helps him to maneuver it back into place.

As she does so, she can't help but feel a sense of warmth spread through her body, a mixture of confusion, fear, and desire.

For a moment, she almost forgot where they are, lost in an intimate gesture.

But just as she settles Y/n's hand back onto her chest, the door opens and Silvy steps inside. Shinobu jumps, her heart racing as she quickly pulls away from Y/n, feeling a deep sense of embarrassment.

"What's going on here?" Silvy ask.

"..Nothing." She tries to play it off, acting as if nothing had happened, but she knows that Silvy can see right through her. she knows Shinobu too well, and knows how she feels about Y/n.

She doesn't say anything, but Shinobu can see the knowing look in her eyes, and she can feel her face flushing with shame.

as Silvy leans in and gently fix the bandage on his stomach,
Shinobu can't help but feel a sense of longing for Y/n, a desire so strong that it makes her heart ache.

She knows that she should let it go, that she should focus on her duty as a Hashira and let the past be the past.
But as she looks at Y/n, lying there, still fighting for his life, she can't help but wonder if maybe, there could be a future for them after all.

"Say," Silvy starts. sitting next to her. her face blank.


"What were you doing? You take care of your patient, not make out with him.."

"I-I was just checking his heartbeat. He grabbed my uniform in his sleep and," Shinobu looks down at Y/n. "I'll be more careful next time, I promise."

"We have an important mission to prepare for. We can't let our personal feelings get in the way." She says, her face annoyed and seemingly jealous.

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