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Draco was sitting at Scorpius's desk, fidgeting nervously. Harry was always late for teacher-parents meetings, and Draco couldn't help but worry every time that something may have happened to him. He knew that Harry wasn't taking part in any dangerous Auror events anymore, but the whole situation still reminded him of their first meeting after many years, when Harry had rushed into Hogwarts straight from action. He was now working as an undercover investigator. He finally saw his husband in the doorway. He smiled at him, and Harry smiled back.

"Are you hungry?" he asked.

Harry nodded guiltily. He was still struggling with time management and had forgotten to eat again. Draco slipped a chocolate bar into his hand.

"This is my favourite flavour," Harry grinned.

"I do know."

Harry ate the chocolate bar hungrily. Professor McGonagall was just reporting the results of the school's Quidditch matches. Slytherin won this year. Draco smirked triumphantly. Harry smiled indulgently. After all, his Albus was also a Slytherin.

"If the Gryffindors had you on their team, Slytherin wouldn't stand a chance," Draco whispered.

Thousands of small spoken and unspoken little things, with which Draco brightened all of Potter's days. Harry felt like hugging him for all that his husband had done for him. He squeezed his palm under the bench. Draco returned his grip, then released Harry's hand and proceeded to caress Harry's leg until...

"Draco!" Harry gave him a reproachful look. The person addressed laughed. He pressed his mouth to Harry's reddened ear. "I love you."

"Malfoy-Potters," came Professor McGonagall's voice. Startled, they turned their eyes in her direction. Minerva was not chastising them as they mistakenly believed, she only wanted to give them information about their sons.

"Scorpius excels in all subjects," Minerva reported, and Draco felt very proud. If he succeeded in anything in this world, it was raising Scorpius. Harry was somewhat worried about the news of his son's academic results. If Albus is like him, there will be no glory. He sighed.

"Albus is average in most subjects," Minerva said, and Harry breathed a sigh of relief. At least that way. The professor continued. "However, Albus has an incredible talent for caring for magical creatures. He seems to be able to communicate with animals; they obey him, and he has their absolute devotion, be it hippogriffs or dragons. He has a gentle, empathetic soul, and magical animals can sense it. I haven't met anyone with such a gift in a long time. One day, he could make an excellent magizoologist or veterinary healer."

Harry was moved. His little Albus was definitely not among the promising wizards at the beginning of his studies. Draco paid a lot of attention to him during the holidays, helping him with potions and repeating school material with both boys in a non-aggressive way. He dispelled all of Harry's insecurities about parenting. They were a real family now.

"Shall we go for a drink? To Hogsmeade?" Draco asked.

"If you take care of me then," Harry laughed.

"Of course. I will apparate with you directly to my bed."

Harry only ordered a butterbeer. He didn't want to miss a minute with his husband. He also wanted to enjoy the apparition with a clear mind. He rested his head on Draco's shoulder. Draco buried his nose in his hair. The shampoo he gave him for Christmas. His own recipe. It still hadn't tamed Harry's wild hair.

"I love you, Harry."

"Me too, I love you so much, Draco. Now apparate with me, right into our bed, as you promised me."

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