Greater than a great deal of love

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Draco was taken aback by Harry taking the initiative. Before he knew it, he was lying under Harry, melting under the touch of hands that had been motionless just a moment ago.

"You don't realise what you're doing to me," Harry groaned, looking at him seriously. "Is this what you want?"

Draco didn't know what he expected from a relationship with Harry, but one thing was clear. Right now, he wanted everything Harry had to offer. He was a little worried about it all. He has never been so close to anyone. Potter, his age-old nemesis. He preferred to turn off his brain and let himself be guided. "I want it," he assured Harry.

He was surprised by the gentleness with which Harry caressed him. Everything was pleasant, something a little, something a lot, some touches brought him to ecstasy. He didn't even notice how it happened, and suddenly, he and Harry were one body, perfectly aligned in a rhythm that was slowly bringing him to the best sensual experience of his life. Draco's eyes were closed; otherwise, he would have noticed that the hands wrapped around his lap were pink and alive, with blue veins straining carefully to please him to the fullest extent possible. Then suddenly, all the lights went out, and Draco felt an intense connection with Harry, so powerful that for a moment, he felt like his soul had left his body and merged with Harry's, but by then, he was back in the grip of his senses and heard his own scream as if from a distance.

"This was amazing, Harry." Draco snuggled up to his Gryffindor, sleepy in fading pleasure. Harry was with him, holding him in his arms. Nothing else mattered.


Draco woke up in Harry's bed in the house on Grimmauld Place. The events of last night seemed very distant to him. Incredible. Something in Harry's demeanour had changed. Suddenly, everything was different. Harry no longer had that unapproachable expression on his face, and he wasn't resisting Draco's presence, he wasn't trying to escape. Draco felt the intensity of Gryffindor's emotions for the first time. No pretending, no holding back, no strategy. Harry was alive and fully healed, cheeks rosy from the morning's broom flying. He slid back into bed beside Draco and let his frozen body warm up.

"It's great to have you here."

The confidence with which Harry now approached him was startling to Draco. With no prudence, Harry gave himself completely to him. It was strange, and Draco was somewhat confused by it. This was more than gratitude for healing. More than friendship. More than physical attraction. Draco involuntarily remembered Narcissa's letter. Don't betray his trust! Harry's trust resembled the naive trust of a young child who had not yet experienced rejection, abuse, and suffering. Potter had all of this to the max in his life. Until a few days ago, it was difficult to get his consent to hold his hand, and he only gave in because of severe pain. Now he's innocently hugging a Slytherin. It's a strange turn of events, to say the least.

"Harry, it's great that you're okay, and yesterday was wonderful, but now I have to get back to Malfoy Manor and continue making potions. I will come to see you again in the evening."

"Take me with you, please. I can't last that long without you."

Huh? Just yesterday, he would rather endure pain in his hands than call me. Where is his pride?

"I'm really busy today. I'll try to come as soon as possible, maybe this afternoon."

Draco was careful not to offend Harry in any way, but he desperately needed some time alone to think. Harry smiled brightly at him.

"Don't keep me waiting long."

Draco took his hands one last time, just to be sure, and moved as quickly as possible to Malfoy Manor. It was an escape - but from what? After all, I wanted it, I wanted him to like me at least a little, and I wanted to spend more time with him, so why is it suddenly suffocating me?

He returned to Malfoy Manor and tried working on potions, but his mind spun in confused circles. In this state, he cannot engage in such a responsible activity as preparing medicines for St. Mungo's Hospital. He decided to at least reply to Narcissa's letter.

Dear Mom,

Mr. Potter is now quite well and, I suppose, will remain so. Unfortunately, I have to admit that I still don't know what curse he was hit with, in any case, I'm glad I could help him and partially pay off the family debt. He has now returned to his home, but I still come to check on him from time to time. I'm not quite sure how to interpret your words about trust - do you have some information I'm missing?


To say Narcissa Malfoy's answer ruined his day was an understatement. Draco was close to having a heart attack.

Dear Draco,

the curse Harry was hit with is called Confisio Suprema. This is elemental fire magic. You can find it in the international classification of curses, specifically in the appendix of no longer used curses, under the number 6969. It will be best if you study the information in peace by yourself.

I wish you a lot of strength. Mom

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