Listen to your mom

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Draco was lonely, and it was harder than he expected. He suddenly didn't really know how to organise his time. He had the same schedule as always - worked on potions, visited St. Mungo's Hospital and brought a new batch of potions, made some progress in curse research, and wrote a letter to Scorpius. He had been busy all day, yet felt a spleen. When he realised how much Harry's departure had affected him, he became angry at the man who caused his unpleasant state.

How dare he refuse my care like that? Where would he get a better care, ungrateful moron? But I'll get him back. Draco's Slytherin nature awoke, and he began to make various plans in his head. Let him suffer? In his case, this is almost physical abuse. Get him drunk? You can't say that a drunken Potter would be any great fun. Seduce? Draco shuddered at the thought. He thought for a long time. Could it be that he is attracted to Potter? Maybe a little? Just a little bit? He has a nice smile. He laughs silly. Beautiful eyes. Horrible glasses. Nice ass. Draco remembered the scene from the shower, and the answer to the question of whether he was attracted to Potter became uncompromisingly evident in his pants. Okay, so maybe I like him quite a bit. But I'm certainly not as horny as him!

Draco couldn't wait for the evening. He had been waiting all day to see if Harry would call him, and when the owl delivered the letter, he eagerly looked at it. Um, Mom writes to me, he sighed in disappointment. The contents of the letter were seriously strange.

Dear Draco!

I'm really glad you get on well with Mr. Potter. We owe him a lot, and your efforts to heal him are commendable. Don't waste your time and energy on other work; devote yourself fully to treating Mr. Potter. The friendship of a person like him is very valuable, never betray his trust! It is understandable that you are close, you have a common past and possible future.

Draco, you must not lose his trust! Let me know as soon as possible how the treatment is progressing.

Love, Mom

Draco was none the wiser of the letter. Narcissa seems to notice their mutual, let's say, liking, but what about the words of trust?

Dear mother, I haven't even earned his trust, he thought bitterly. Not even my Slytherin brain is good enough for that. However, the letter did make an impression on Draco. If he had previously considered less honourable ways to win Harry over, now he decided to play the fair game.

He was preparing for his evening visit to Harry as if it were a date. He was nervous – he'd left Harry for a really long time without touching him, and he was worried that he might get worse. He took a pain potion with him just in case. He wanted to get him something else that would make him happy, but he had no idea what Harry actually enjoyed besides Quidditch. In the end, he only took a few chocolate bars and a couple of bottles of butterbeer.

Harry looked pretty devastated, you could tell he was waiting for him as if for mercy, but he didn't call him, stubborn idiot. Draco was surprised by how the house in Grimmauld Place looked now. He had to admit he liked it here. Pleasant, modernly equipped house. Even relatively tidy.

He examined Harry's hands closely. They were much blacker, and Harry could not move them as easily.

"Did it hurt?"

Harry had to admit he did. "I managed it."

"You don't have to manage anything! I'm here for you, Merlin! You don't have to suffer, just call me, and I'll come!"

Yeah, Harry, I'll come anytime you wish, so take advantage!

He took Harry's hands in his and held them silently for a moment. Then he started stroking them. Harry looked at him questioningly.

"It'll be good for your hands, kind of a gentle massage," Draco said in a serious tone. Harry complied. The pain slowly went away, and the feeling returned to the hands. It was too pleasurable for him, so he did not fight back. Draco decided to be bolder. He started kissing Harry's hands.

Harry flinched in fright. "What are you doing?"

"Do you like it or not?"

Harry looked really confused. I must not like it! It's Malfoy!!! No. It's Draco. If he wanted to hurt me, he would have done it long ago. By the time he came, my paws nearly fell off in pain. I love his hands. I'm addicted to his touch. I'm addicted to him.

"I like it," he said firmly. The directness took aback Draco. Damn Gryffindor. Draco kissed his hands for a moment longer. Then he stroked them again. He could feel Harry's hands moving. Those hands suddenly gripped him in a tight embrace.

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