He put the mug he was carrying on the side table and sat down on the bed.

“Drink. It will help with your coughing.”

Ja-kyung looked at the seat where he was sitting. He should’ve left if he had already given him the drink. Why would you sit there?

“Hurry up and drink.”

Thank you. Ja-kyung reluctantly took the cup and placed it in his mouth. He moves his gaze to Il-hyun, but he just sits and stares at him, as if he has no intention of leaving. He had no idea what kind of tea it was, but it was bitter and smelled bad. He gave up halfway through and frowned, then Il-hyun pulled a lollipop from his pocket, peeled the skin, and held it out.


When Ja-kyung tried to take it, he took it back. A-ah, Ja-kyung opened his mouth reluctantly, as Il-hyun motioned him to open his mouth. After a while, the candy popped into his mouth. His mouth filled with the sweet strawberry scent.

“Drink your tea. It’s good for not only coughing but also calming the mind and body.”

He drank the rest reluctantly and quickly popped the candy into his mouth. To get rid of the bitter taste, he rolled the candy with his tongue, but Kang Il-hyun stared at him. He leaned in closer, so he let go of the candy he was eating and asked.

“What, what’s wrong?”

Kang Il-hyun closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Ja-kyung stiffened while holding the candy.

“You smelled different.”

He used a different soap while washing at Wang Lun’s shop, but Kang Il-hyun recognized it right away. See. He is a bastard. He forced a smile and explained that he used the soap he brought from Hong Kong because the soap he was using did not suit him.

“I see.”

He didn’t even consider stepping back with his face so close. Even the atmosphere became uncomfortable and awkward. Ja-kyung wasn’t sure if he was staring at his face or his lips as he ate candy, but he was worried about his eyes slowly moving down from the top to the bottom and observing his eyes, nose, and mouth.

“Director. I… I’m tired and I think I should go to sleep now…”

“Eat it again.”


“Candy. Eat it again.”

What kind of trick was this again? Ja-kyung put the candy he was holding into his mouth with an indifferent face.

“Not like that. Suck it as you did a while ago.”

This. Fucker.

The candy melted in his mouth as he moved his tongue grumpily. Little by little, the corners of Il-hyun’s lips move upward as if he was satisfied with Ja-kyung’s movement. Il-hyun would love it if he licked it with his tongue, right? Suddenly, a mischievous mind took over, and he stuck out his tongue and licked the candy. Sure enough, this bastard smiled as if he enjoyed it.

“I wonder where you learned this bad thing.”

Ja-kyung frowned and put the candy into his mouth again. When Il-hyun rose from his seat, Ja-kyung assumed he was leaving and he could relax now.

“Please take care of me later.”


“You know.”

Kang Il-hyun gave a wink. Ja-kyung got goosebumps and nearly dropped the candy he was nibbling. He just winked at him with those viper-colored eyes, didn’t he? Kang Il-hyun smiled affectionately as he watched Ja-kyung’s expression deteriorate.

“I’m going. I took off the camera, so you could take off your panties and sleep now.”

“… ”

“Sweet dreams.”

After Il-hyun left the room, Ja-kyung threw the candy he was holding into the empty teacup and stood up. When he heard him mention his pants, he became suspicious and looked around the room. Fortunately, the hidden camera was not visible, but because it was dark, he had to sleep with his panties on.


[Good job.]

Wang Han’s voice could be heard over the phone. Wang Lun had already told him the story. Ja-kyung expected him to nag him about why he was doing something useless, but Wang Han told him that he did a good job. He seemed to know what moved Ja-kyung to do it. He was grateful and sorry at the same time.

[And I got a call from Dmitry.]

Ja-kyung, who was on his way to the bed, stopped and raised his head to look straight ahead.


[Kang Hoon.]

When Ja-kyung does not answer, Wang Han called out to him.

[Are you listening? Kang Hoon. Kang Il-hyun’s father.]

Ja-kyung remained still and motionless. He remembered Kang Hoon’s face from yesterday. He didn’t look like he was going to keep his position by killing his son, despite his stubborn and strong eyes. On the contrary, he seemed to care for Kang Il-hyun among his children.

“Are you sure?”

[Yes. But guess who actually did the deal?]

“Who is it…?”

[Zhang Myung. You know that, right?]

Zhang Yi An’s grandfather. It was something he didn’t expect at all. He was wondering what kind of a great person moved the giants in Hong Kong but turned out it was him.

[According to Dmitry, there are forces in Hong Kong pushing Kang Il-Hyun and forces opposing him. Zhang Myung used to be neutral, but recently switched sides. He stated that he disliked working with Director Kang because he was too aggressive, but Chairman Kang most likely played a role in that.]

“Then who does Chairman Kang wants to become his successor.”

[Kang Tae-han.]

Sleepy eyes. Frivolous speech. Kang Tae-han was a person who seemed unsuitable to lead the group.

[Chairman Kang’s health has deteriorated since last year, so I think Kang Il-hyun has been mentioned as his successor. Furthermore, the shareholders who supported Kang Tae-han have recently shifted their support to Kang Il-hyun, so Kang Hoon believes he must pass it on to Kang Il-hyun. However, Kang Hoon refuses to relinquish his power just yet. So he decided to give it to Kang Tae-han and hold it until the end.]

Ja-kyung was silent. Kang Il-hyun probably already guessed it.



[We just have to do what we have to do.]

“I know. Don’t worry. I will finish it for sure.”

Ja-kyung looked out the window after finishing the phone call. He thought it would be easy if he knew who it was, but it was not. If Kang Il-hyun had made the request… He thought, then shook his head. No matter who commissioned it, he must work for what he was paid for.

A large full moon hangs in the middle of the window. The color was bright red. It was a sight that seemed to bleed if left alone for too long. He rolled down the curtains to cover the window and lay down on the bed.

Nothing has changed. Kill him on a set date and leave Korea. There was nothing difficult.

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