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Ja-kyung poked his face out against the wall. There was no one in the yard. He made it to the bottom of the wall while avoiding the CCTV, but getting over it proved difficult. He began by leaping over the wall and landing on the grass.

In an instant, a growling sound was heard. As he slowly raised his head, two eyes flashed in front of him. The beast that drooled and exposed its sharp teeth was Kang Il-hyun’s dog, who was said to have gone to a training camp after biting and killing people.

He carefully stepped back. He hit the wall behind his back. Slowly moving sideways, looking for an opportunity to escape, he suddenly rushes in. Ja-kyung suddenly started running along the wall. Woof, woof, woof, the sound of barking echoed through the night sky.

“Argh f**k!”

Even a human running 100m in 11 seconds could not beat a dog running at an average speed of 50-60 km/h. He quickly turned and ran to the other side, but it was useless. The distance gradually narrowed and it was just before his a*s was bitten.

Whistle- At the sound of whistling, the dog turns and runs towards the entrance of the house. He took a deep breath and bowed his back. He felt nauseated and his heart felt like it was going to explode. It was said that pet dogs resemble their masters, and Kang Il-hyun has a bad temper.

Ja-kyung barely straightens his back, but Kang Il-hyun walks his way to him. The dog was pulled by a guard and disappeared behind him.

“Are you okay?”

He lifted his head slightly and then nodded.

“Why are you here at this hour?”

After taking a deep breath, Ja-kyung swallowed dry saliva. Even so, he was in a difficult situation figuring out how to get into the house without being noticed.

“I came out of bed because I was bored… The dog suddenly attacked…”

Kang Il-hyun’s eyes scanned him from top to bottom.

“How’s your body?”

Ja-kyung nodded and then suddenly coughed. Kang Il-hyun’s forehead wrinkled when Ja-kyung coughed like he was dying while covering it with his hand.

“Don’t you think you should go to the hospital?”

“It’s okay… I think it got worse because I just ran.”

After coughing non-stop, Kang Il-hyun quietly backs away. He was not scared of dying, but he seemed scared of viruses. Ja-kyung did not miss that moment and acted as if he was going to cough blood. He squeezed it forcibly, and then nausea came out. Il-hyun’s face hardened more and more.

“Come in. I will call the doctor.”

“I have weak lungs and… I think I should go in and sleep more. I guess I shouldn’t have come out to get some air.”

Ja-kyung took the lead, and Kang Il-hyun followed quietly behind. He was relieved when the dog showed up. Or perhaps he’d spend the night on the lawn as a blanket. The first thing he saw when he entered the house was the house chef, who asked Ja-kyung if he was okay.

“You’re sick, what do you mean getting some air. Go up. I’ll bring you some hot tea.”

“There’s no need…. I’m sorry for worrying you. Please take a rest.”

He went upstairs after bowing to Il-hyun and the house chef. He hid the camera with his body and inserted an iron stick from his pocket into the keyhole. The bedroom door opened at once, and he went inside and lay flat on the bed.

“Haaa. It’s tough.”

He looked up at the ceiling and spread out like a corpse when someone knocks on the bedroom door. He didn’t want the house chef to bring him hot tea, but she must have come anyway. The door opened and Kang Il-hyun entered as soon as he stood up and sat down. Ja-kyung stood up and turned to face the unexpected guest. It was his first time going here since Ja-kyung arrived.

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