In Our Next Life

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Some time.....

.....In another life.

"Tch." A certain man let out a breath of smoke as he annoyingly flicked his cigarette on the ground. There was nothing he hated more in this world than this damn place he was forced to attend. 

The busy school halls suddenly went quiet the moment they caught the figure of a certain someone. Not one person managed to utter a word. The sea of students suddenly parted in half as if Moses just arrived.

There he was,

The notorious gang leader, Levi Ackerman.

Raven hair, dark eyes that are as cold as winter. Though he was already a senior, he still chose to ignore school codes by refusing to wear the appropriate uniform. While the two buttons up his collar were unbuttoned, he also wore a black coat instead of the school's royal blue blazer as indicated by the disciplinary office. Those weren't just the few rules he refused to follow.

As far as anyone knew, Levi was always out for trouble. Always getting into fights, smoking on school premises, cutting class, it was too many to mention.

The students immediately cleared the locker area the moment they saw him approaching. They could only feel bad for the girl who failed to notice his presence in time.

"Yamada." His deep voice echoes through her ears that made her jolt. Shizue turns around to see Levi, blocking her from getting past her locker.

Her eyes widens in surprise upon seeing him and quickly turns to face him.

"Since when did your suspension end, Levi?" Shizue's tone was stern, like she was always refusing to let people know what's really on her mind.

One of the reasons why, is because she knew she was too good for all of them. Shizue classified herself to be above everyone and none of them stood to her level. Even Levi Ackerman.

The man let out a groan before slamming her locker close. The sound echoes through the empty hallway. Shizue didn't flinch.

"Seriously? That's the greeting I get from you?"

"Well, what do you want me to say Levi?" Shizue tiredly says.

A cocky grin appeared from his lips. He just loves hearing his name come out of her mouth. "You missed me?"

The woman rolled her eyes. "You wish."

Oh he really did. No matter how much of a tough delinquent Levi may appear to other people, he did not bother hiding the fact that he was head over heels for the school's student council president, Shizue Yamada.

Ever since their middle school years, the moment Levi laid his eyes on her, he knew she was the one. His gang mates called him somewhat crazy because how else could he had figure out she was his soulmate without even knowing her name.

Levi didn't let their opinion stop him from declaring that he will be Shizue's boyfriend seconds after finding out about her name.

He was rejected.

But it didn't stop right there.

Levi was rejected, 32 times.

His determination was admirable, because Levi continued to pine for her for years to come, and he doesn't care if it takes more than that.

In Our Next Life | LeviOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz