I could see the figure sitting there with more clarity now. But before eyesight could fully sharpen, my ears woke up from their deadly sleep. The man's soft, enchanting voice entered my ears, quenching the thirst of my soul. I took in another deep breath, much like a woman who has wandered years searching for a spring in a hot desert and has now finally found one; the refreshing water cleansing my system of the toxic waste that had been eating away at me for centuries. The voice brought me back to life, my senses alert at last and desperately trying to reach out to the man with the voice. Every inch of my being reached out to him, craving him, needing him, wanting him. And when he stopped - I could almost feel my soul sink back into the dusty bowl it had been dwelling in for so long.

In the wake of this voice, I heard a baby giggle; that same cute, boisterous giggle. I stared longingly at the man as he, too, laughed; the bed moving along with the shake of his shoulders. My fingertips brushed against the fabric of his trousers, still not quite able to touch him. I licked my cracked lips, trying to moisten my dry mouth. I attempted to speak, the sound wavering, croaking as it escaped my unused throat, "Erik?"

The man whipped around, the sunlight catching on his white mask. Now that he was facing me, I could see what had succeeded so well in capturing his attention; in his arms is our daughter. Our little daughter. Her bright eyes stared up at Erik with wonder and joy; her long fingers playing with the buttons on his vest. Our little baby girl.

I looked up from our precious daughter, catching Erik's green eyes that were wide, like he wasn't sure if he had actually heard me call his name. Once he saw that the sound of his name left my lips, an equally wide smile spread across his face, his eyes now filling with joy, relief, and tears. A second later, he surged forward, leaning down to press his lips to mine. I melted into that kiss, our baby pressed between us just like she had been before she was born. I have missed these lips. I have missed their taste. I have missed their feel. I have missed him.

I reluctantly pulled back, only to have the gap closed again by Erik's mouth. I reached up and held both sides of his face, my right hand touching flesh and my left touching porcelain. A tearful smile spread across my face as I savored the feeling of his lips on mine; a sensation I had been craving and dreaming about for months. Both of our tears mixed on my cheeks before sliding down to my chin and dropping to my breast. Eventually he pulled back and rested his forehead against mine, the tips of our noses repeating what our lips had just done.

I peeled off his mask, placing it on the pillow beside me before caressing the side of his face I just exposed. My thumb traced the part under his right eye that drooped down, the tip of my finger catching the tear that had been forming and causing it to slide down my hand to my wrist. He leaned into my hand, his eyes fluttering shut and pushing more tears out onto his cheeks. When he opened them, the wetness of his tears made his eyes shine even more like emeralds; emeralds wet with rain. How I have missed these gems masquerading as my shadow's eyes. Those piercing green eyes that stare straight into my soul. Those green eyes that have illuminated my dark dreams since I was a child.

Those green eyes.

Like a bolt of lighting struck me, I sat up straighter on my mountain of pillows, the terror returning and raising my voice, "Gustave! What happened to Gustave?!"

Our baby still securely nestled in his strong arm, Erik scooted closer and rested his right hand beside my neck, his thumb caressing my jawbone, "He's alright. They got him to the hospital in time." His thumb continued to run up and down the corner of my jaw, stopping momentarily just by my ear. He repeated with a small smile, "He's alright."

I relaxed, relief easing the tension in my weary body. Sinking back into the pillows, I stared up at my husband, my wobbling voice thick with the helpless tears that formed in my pleading eyes, "Erik, I swear it wasn't me. I would never - could never - hurt Gustave -"

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