Avatar Tests in the Fire Nation

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There is no singular specific way to accurately determine the Avatar. To do so with full confidence takes decades of studying and the implementation of many methods passed down through generations of sages. Understanding the vast history of successful selection processes is no simple feat. Obtaining personal knowledge of their predecessor is considered to be the most important information to collect. This could be anything from nervous habits to life goals or academic strengths. Observations have loosely shown verbal and mental patterns being shared between the Avatar's lives. Loosely, as the connections aren't wholly consistent, but majority of the time there are too many similarities for it to be coincidence.

Regardless of nation, each sage responsible for verifying the Avatar is expected to not only know their nation's tactics, but their cyclical predecessors' as well. The comprehension of multiple cultures' approaches ensures a backup plan if necessary, but each nation's processes are best designed to optimally fit the structure of their people. Air Nomads use spiritual relics, the Earth Kingdom takes advantage of directional geomancy, and the Water Tribes supposedly apply asterism when unable to locate the Avatar manually. Luckily, backup plans such as these are very rarely reached in the Fire Nation.

When the prior Earth Avatar passes, the Council of Sages- led by the Great Sage- takes note of all the children born in the same season. There is a higher focus on infants born closer to the expected date of the prior Avatar's death. As disciplined students, these children are carefully observed to determine which are firebenders before they accidentally cause destruction. Firebenders are expected to take additional, exclusive classes where they are taught the history and fundamentals of bending. These courses are also where they are tested and observed by masters familiarized with the traits of a potential candidate. Once a large pool of viable possibilities is finalized, sages begin to directly interact with those they deem most likely to be the next Avatar first. Analyzing things such as their habits, morals, goals, and strengths is often enough to narrow down the students little by little. This process is repeated until one on one interactions are necessary, in which the answers are found and results never exposed.

Despite the global announcement and new era beginning when the Avatar turns sixteen, the Council of Sages often know the Avatar's identity years prior and keep it a secret for the sake of the individual's maturity. Developing social skills, bending fundamentals, and the understanding of discipline are thought of as being among the most vital of the Avatar's abilities. Each of these solidly contribute to the future success of the individual and help retain the Nation's honor.

This is among the many accounts dictated by Master Dvija at the University of Shi Ban Dao just prior to the Era of Avatar Szeto.

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