Chapter XVIII: Flight

Start from the beginning

I sat down on one of the chairs and sighed shakily. I'm trembling. Maybe it's because this is my first time boarding a plane alone. Whenever we travel we would always just use one of Daddy's private jets, but this is the first time I've ever gone on a commercial flight, alone.

"Please enjoy the rest of the flight!" I turn to my right to look at the passengers from across the aisle and I see a girl getting fastened into her seat with a blanket laid over her legs while her wheelchair was folded and set aside by the flight attendant.

The woman fastening her seatbelt doesn't look like her mother, perhaps it's her caregiver. Our eyes met, her beautiful hazel eyes shone with hope and faith, distracting me from her pale skin and the fact that those shining eyes seem to exude intense exhaustion. I felt my heart beat a little faster as I reluctantly waved at her. "H-hello..." I spoke shyly.

The girl seemed to have perked up, "Oh! Hello, Miss Amelia!" Her smile was just as beautiful and just as bright as her eyes. How lovely.

"It's kind of unfair that you're the only one who knows my name, may I know yours?" I asked, starting to gain my confidence back, but I still had to keep myself from trembling. I don't have a seatmate, and I'm almost alone on my side of the plane.

The girl giggled cutely, "My name's Emily, miss!" I smile, starting to lose my anxiety. God, why is this girl so precious? And why give her such an awful illness?

"Please, no need to be so formal." She nodded and answered with a cheerful: "Okay!"

I barely felt it when time began to pass and we were getting closer and closer to our destination. Emily and I chatted throughout the entire flight, although sometimes she would have to clock out and sleep and I would just watch as she does so. She truly is beautiful.

"Excuse me! The captain would like to inform you all that we'll be landing at Madrid International Airport in just 30 minutes!"

I perked up and looked at Emily who seemed to be saddened by the announcement. "Oh... but I wanted to talk to you more..." She pouted rather cutely.

"Do you have a social media account?" I asked, Emily smiled but her sadness remained. "I used to, but..." She bit the bottom of her lip, and I understood it immediately. "Then, may I have your number?" She looked at me with wide eyes and nodded as if she was almost in a daze.

She turned to her right and took her phone from her nanny's purse who was still asleep. I took out my phone and typed out her number just as she said it and then repeated it just to make sure I got it right. "What's your last name?" I asked, "Smith." She answered just as quickly as I asked.

"D-do you really want to keep talking to me?" She asked, and I chuckled. "Of course! If possible, I want to keep talking to you for however long forever is." Emily blushed, but I could see tears forming in the corner of her eyes. "Uhm-" she sniffles and looks away. I giggled and got up from my seat and walked over to her and hugged her. She hugged me back, and for a while, we just stayed there hugging each other.

I crouched down and wiped away her tears, "Now, now. Tears only blur out your pretty eyes." I smile. She sniffled and giggled slightly. I heard a continuous ‘ding!’ and looked up, the “Seatbelt On” sign was blinking. "I'll see you around." I say and regrettably pulling away from her embrace and going back to my seat to put my seatbelt on.

Her skin was cold and her body was frail, it scared me and I couldn't embrace her as tightly as I wanted. I could still feel her eyes on me, so I gave in and looked back at her, taking in her beauty. My heart flutters, yet aches at the same time. She doesn't deserve to suffer like this.

We stayed quiet and only looked at each other until it was time to part ways. I got off the plane first before they did, so as I was walking, I waved her goodbye and she waved weakly back at me.

Love at first sight is such an awful way of falling in love. Who knows if I'll ever get to see her again?












I grip the cyclic to better control the helicopter, yet I can't help but keep thinking to myself: ‘Why did I agree to this?’ as I glance at the passenger who's sitting quietly and idly next to me. I sigh as I carefully fly the helicopter. I suppose this is better than having to be confronted with Martial's seething rage towards me right now.

Still, I can't believe I let myself be swayed by this woman. If only I hadn't made such a grave mistake after the party...

Yet another deep sigh escapes my lips.

"Are you perhaps upset?" I look at the woman and then back at the sky, making sure I won't hit anything. "What?" I asked, "If you don't like flying then I'd be happy to fly the helicopter myself." I turned to her yet again and looked at her questioningly, "We're thousands of feet above the ground, there is no way that we'd be able to switch places. Are you trying to have us killed?"

Just imagine the headlines of the news! Quite embarrassing, we might end up getting labelled as “those idiots who died in a helicopter crash because they tried to switch places.” I sigh, "It's fine, I can manage this much. We'll only be gone for a week, correct?" I asked, and Philipia nodded. "Yes. I just... Want to see my son..." There was a certain softness in her voice when she said it, I looked over to her and I could see her smiling softly while looking down, she must've missed her children.

"I understand... Of course, I'll accompany you." Philipia said that the reason why she had never told Martial about her children was that she was afraid of being seen as a traitor to her nation when really, she just fell in love and made certain decisions that led to how things are now. She was also afraid that he would use her children as bait and/or political tools, which would pain her more than not having to see them.

It must've been painful to be away from your children for so long...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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