Chapter 2

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Hey, here is chapter 2 :) Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who or Spider-Man.


Inside the TARDIS, Amy, Rory and the Doctor all proceeded to slowly get up from their hastily established positions (either holding onto the railing or sprawled out on the floor) that they had acquired in the chaos as the TARDIS had violently crash landed, causing a massive jolt throughout the console room, and knocking them off their feet.

"Euh, what was that?" Amy questioned, as she stood up on wobbly legs from her position on the floor.

"Uh, yeah I think we crash landed," answered Rory in a strained voice, who was propping himself up against the railing he had been clinging to for dear life, just moments earlier.

"You think," Amy replied sarcastically while stretching her back. "Doctor?" she then called, while looking over at the console to find the doctor hoisting himself up to its edge before proceeding to madly tug and pull at the many different controls which, predictably, produced no response. He then reached up and flicked the screen which was only showing plain static.

"Ah...what Rory said," he replied sheepishly.

"Well, where are we then?" Rory asked.

"Like I said before, New York," The Doctor replied simply, looking over at them.

"Oh, well that's not so bad then," Rory said, cheering up somewhat.

"Well, that's the thing," The Doctor replied. "It's a parallel universe, and you can never underestimate those," he said. "The last time I crash landed in a parallel universe, London had giant zeppelins flying around in the sky and Cybermen were planning to convert the entire human race, through controlling them with earpieces which directly uploaded the latest news into their brains. You humans, always desperate for the latest upgrade," the Doctor rambled, many different expressions passing over his face as he talked.

"Hey," Amy protested loudly.

"...Not to mention people were alive who should've been dead." the Doctor continued, ignoring Amy's comment. "It's like a dangerous candy land," he then concluded, before focusing his attention and looking back at them.

"What?" he asked, after a few seconds of staring.

"Oh come on Doctor, don't be such a spoil sport, I'm sure it's fine," Amy said, stretching out the last word with a wave of her hand in dismissal.

"Um, a...are you sure? I don't fancy being shot at or blown up or anything," Rory babbled nervously.

"Yeah, come on my big brave Centurion. You're not scared are you?" Amy teased, while wrapping an arm around Rory's shoulders and dragging him along towards the doors with her.

"Eh, no I'm not scared, just cautious." Rory convinced himself, nodding his head slightly.

"Are you coming Doctor?" Amy yelled back over her shoulder at the Doctor, who was standing leaning on the console with a startled, hurt little boy's face, while watching the events unfold.

"Umm, Doctor?" Rory looked back, pleading with his eyes for assistance.

"Yeah coming, just let me get my coat," the Doctor replied, before spinning off on his heel to collect his coat from wherever he'd left it.

"Ok then, come on Rory," Amy said, smiling, while giving Rory a push in the back towards the door.

"Alright, alright I'm going, I'm opening the door and hopefully not getting shot at," he said, looking back at her while swinging the doors open. He then turned around to step out, only to ram head first into something hard and solid. A loud startled yelp could be heard, and then Rory went staggering back several steps.

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