39. The fall of Arlong Park (1)

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"Don't need to worry guys! Nami will be fine on her own"

"How can you say that, Nojiko-chan! Your sister is alone facing those damn pirates. We should at least help her."

"Nami isn't alone this time, she has friends alongside her, so stop worrying about anything!"

This got all of them to shut their mouths, even though everyone was curious about whom Nami's friends were, and concerned for Nami as well as her friends. The only thing they could do right now was trust in them, hoping them to be safe.







Standing in front of the big gate of the Arlong Park, the crew all looked at the building with full rage in their eyes, except for Usopp. Luffy then stepped up slowly and crouched down, using his full force to shatter the gate into different pieces. That punch had created a big gust of wind, and blew some fishmen that were near the gate to fly backward. Luffy then looked at them coldly.

"Which one of you is Arlong?"

"I am. What do you want, kid?!" Arlong glared

"I'm here to kick your sorry ass". Luffy smirked.

"A lowly human like you want to fight us, what a joke!" Kuroobi, one of Arlong's trustworthy crewmates, said.

"Wait, don't they look a bit familiar" one of them said.

Hearing what his subordinates said, Arlong and the others decided to take a closer look at their enemy. When those fishes had caught the sight of our leader and the swordsman, some abruptly pulled out the latest wanted posters. They looked at the posters then went back to Luffy and Zoro, trying to compare them with the posters. The more they looked, the more sweat appeared on their face. Suddenly, the fish holding the posters fell backwards to the ground in fear, and caused the posters to fly in front of Arlong.

"Ha, so these two are the new big fishes of the East Blue?" Arlong said while holding the posters.

No one on the crew said a word or paid them an eye. Zoro was slowly taking Enma and Shusui out, since they were his only two swords left, ready to fight. Sanji was being himself, acting cool while lighting the cigarette in his mouth. As for the weakest duo, Nami was testing her clima-tact, while Usopp was standing in his all mighty pose with both shaking legs. Luffy also ignored those fishmen and started to warm up his body.

"Don't be so arrogant just because you have a higher bounty than me, kid. In the end, you are all just a bunch of powerless humans", Arlong said.

This got Luffy to stop and approach the enemy boss slowly. On his half way, two of Arlong's minions intended to stop him, but Luffy only gave them a glare before they were knocked out by Sanji and Zoro.

"I won't let you stop our captain" they said in unison.

"OI, ZORO, SANJI! THEY ARE MY PREYS NOT YOURS, IDIOTS!" Nami shouted from the gate.

Luffy then continued walking toward Arlong. The atmosphere rapidly became tense at the moment the two leaders faced each other. Arlong was smirking while gaving Luffy a belittled look. However, the fishman soon regretted his decision as Luffy gave him a strong punch straight to his face, and made him spill out some blood as he was lying on the wall. It also signaled that the battle had begun. All hell soon broke out.

Nami had noticed that they were being outnumbered, so she decided to test her new attack. Nami was silently letting out the eggs that contain the black cloud while taking care of the minions alongside her crewmates. Just as the four of them were close to each other, Nami gave them a warning.

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