👺 Welcome to Hell 🪦

Start from the beginning

"Whoo! Eee!" in her spooky voice, monkey king, shocked at her worst performance.

"Oh yeah. Great. You're giving me chills~ geez" Stick glows making monkey king float as he holds on, lifting his feet from the ground. Wrapping his tail around Quan yins waste, hoisting her up behind him, making her float too. Taking her by surprise but thankful for monkeys help.

"King here! Coming through!" Monkey careless pushes the ghost out of his way, cutting in line "Make way!" Keeps on pushing till they reach in front of the line. Quan yin winces and feels guilty in cutting in line of these poor unfortunate souls, who were waiting for who knows how long.

"Next! Release form" Yama grunts, the soul with a chicken, still alive (making Quan yin question how did this chicken get down here?), moves forward.

"You brought a live chicken to the underworld?" Yama slowly getting angrily for this misdeed.

"No living things allowed!" Stomping his stamp in fury, Quan yin gulps in fear of getting caught, She mumbles to monkey.

"Maybe we should go back" panicking, monkey king snigger

" What's the matter? Chicken. Get it, chicken?" Nudges her in a tease, making a joke.

"Monkey!" She loudly whispered, upset his not taking this seriously.

"Phssff ! Just watch and learn, Pebble." Puts her down, making his way to the chicken, punched the chicken so hard it dies. Quan yin looks away from the sight, Poor chicken. Monkey comes back in place, hosting her up again, blowing the feathers of his hand.

"That's better" Yama was pleased

"Pit of Infinite Agony. Fourth floor on your right. Next!" Stamping a scroll, rolling it up and gave it to the soul. Moving along as Monkey king and Quan yin move up.

"Yes, good morning." monkey king greets the red god

"I'd like a quick glance at the Life and Death Scrolls." monkey king requested, Quan yin smile politely to Yama

"Release form first." Yama demands to see his form. Monkey and Quan yin share looks, clearly don't have them, who carries a form once your die.

" uh... It's in my other armor?" nervously, hoping to get passed anyway.

"Rejected!" Yama growls, slamming his stamp as pro-mission denied. "Next!" a random ghost moved up pushing monkey king and quan yin aside. sending daggers at Yama.

"Release form."

"Ok what now?.... we could sneak past him, but how?" quan yin questions herself trying to think of a plan, as monkey formed an idea, slowly smirks as he looks at Quan yin. pulling her closely to him with his arm around her, "Way ahead of you, because what you'll be doing." spits at his hand, she ewwed in disgusted, he the rubs his spit on her ashed covered face, cleaning it off. ".....is to the sacrificial lamb"

"wait WHAT!"

"She's alive?! Here in hell!" Monkey pushed her in shock, yells loudly for everyone to hear. pointing at her in disbelief.

"You're alive! How scandalous!" everyone looks at Quan yin, see her without her disguise. Yama enrage, growling. She looks around in panic, looking at monkey angrily as he just winks at her before going back to acting shock.

"And you cut in front of all these people?" monkey scoffs at her, his hands on his hip, looking furious.

"No living things allowed!" Slaming his stamp, everyone starts floats towards her, with everyone distracted monkey king rans away looking for another way in. Quan yins growls at him, Can't believe he used her as bait!

Mischief vs Obedience (Monkey King 2023 x Guan Yin)Where stories live. Discover now