C o n f u s e d

15 0 0

I woke up expecting to see Bada beside me but she was gone. I mean where could she go? This is her room! Ugh whatever. I got up and went to my room to get changed. I was planning on dancing so I got changed into black sweatpants and a back cropped tank top with my Nike panda dunks. In a bag I packed my ballet clothes and point shoes.

I got ready and went downstairs to take my medicine and greet the other before I left. When I walked downstairs stairs Bada was whispering with Kai which I didn't think nothing of until Kai looked at my and started laughing. I let it go over my head and I went up to Chan.

"Channie~" I said trying to get Badas attention

"Hm?" He said whiling cooking breakfast

"I'm going up to my studio for a bit also can I take your car, you can come if you want" i whispered but I made sure to say the last part out loud and wink to piss off bada

"I- uhm yeah there hanging up by the front door and be safe!" He said flustered by what just happened

"Thanks! Love you" I said and that made everyone look at us if they weren't already

"Love you too and text me if you need lunch" he said and I left

(At the studio)

I started off with some hip hop and then slowly transitioned into jazz. I grabbed a bar from the supply cabinet and placed it in the middle of the room. I went to the bathroom to change and tie up my hair. Once I was done I started working on my turns. After that I worked on combos and they looked pretty good.

When I was done I got changed into shorts and my black tank. I started working on lyrical. It went extremely well and I was impressed with my improvement from the last time I was here. I was about to start the song when bangchan called me.

"Yeah?" I said

"I'm coming to your studio y/n" He said

"Okay I'll be waiting" I said and laughed


Chan finally arrived and we ended dancing to a couple songs with some corrections from each other and by the end of it we were laying on the floor.

"Y/n" he said


"Why did we have to pretend this morning" he asked and i sighed

"So basically me and Bada kinda fucked last night and when I came downstairs stairs she was laughing at me with kai and not like "aww she so cute hahaha" it's like "ew she thinks she's the shit hahaha" kind of laugh so I had to make her jealous"

"I think it worked.." he said

"How?" I asked

"Well when I said I was coming to the studio she said she would be there too but she was like mad" he said

"Serves her bitch ass right!  UGH WHY IS LOVE SO STUPID.. you know what I'm done with love, if I need love like that I'll just use Felix's rose toy from temu" I said and we both bursted out laughing till we couldn't breathe

The hate I have for you|| skz/bada lee ffWhere stories live. Discover now