T h e D e c i s i o n

35 1 0

-3 days later-

"Idk man I think he was just using her because he was Yk in the mood for something". Chan said

"Yeah, I just hope she doesn't get too attached so she won't get hurt because he's never like that with girls" Minho said

As I walked through the hallway was to the kitchen I heard Chan and Minho talking. I stopped to ease-drop.

"I think your right but I hope she can move past it if they get together then break up"Chan said sighing

"Hey, maybe she can put up with his annoying self and not break up with him" Minho said

"Minho don't be mean" Chan siad

"Sorry.. I have a plan!" Minho said excitedly

"What is it?" Chan said

"What if we all share her like if Hyunjin wanted to cuddle with her for an hour then chanbing wanted to kiss her, you know?" Minho said

"Hm, I guess that could work, I'll text the group chat and let them know and you ask y/n after breakfast" Chan said

"Okay hyung" Minho said and focused on the pancakes

"Hey guys!" I said to Chan Minho who ere making pancakes for the 9 of us

"Oh uh ah um h-hi" said Minho stuttering the whole way through the sentence

"Good morning" Chan greeted me white a smile

"Uh you good Minho?" Poor boy, his face was red as a tomato and his palms looked sweaty

"Y-yes I'm f-fine" he managed to get out without fainting


I took a seat on the countertop as I stared at Chan and Minho who were cooking a big fry up ( I got it off google don't judge😔 )

"Why are you up there?" Chan said laughing

"Because I'm bored and it's fun watching you guys cook" I said

Chan didn't reply, instead he wrapped his arms around my waist laying his head on my thigh. He sighed dramatically so I would react.

"Are you tired channie?" I asked

"Very much" he said yawning

"Can you guys get a room or something" Hyunjin said walking down the stairs with seungmin behind him

"I wanna go back to bed" Chan said sighing

"I do too but we don't have a choice" I said place a soft kiss on his forehead then removing his arms to allow me to get off the counter

"Ah so rude" Chan said as he turned around to face seungmin and hyunjin

"Good mornin-" he was cut off by hyunjin

"Don't good morning me when you had y/n sitting on the counter making out with her!" He said pouting

"What!? She w-was on the counter because she was w-watching us cook and we weren't
m-making out, I was tired a-and-" Chan stopped from his rambling as Minho explained the rest

The hate I have for you|| skz/bada lee ffWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu