F i g h t s A n d B u r n s

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I ran up the stairs as fast as I could. Who does she thinks she is!? Omg she's so annoying!! Why is she still here? I was beyond annoyed and I needed someone to shit talk with and we had some catching up to do anyway so I texted jisung.


Me = ji ji

Jisung!! = yeahhh

Me = can u pick me up I wanna shit talk

Jisung!! = omg yes I'm otw!!

Me = okay I'll be waiting

I put down my phone and decided to get ready. I put on some black leggings with a tv girl hoodie and some uggs. I went downstairs to wait for him.

As I walked downstairs I saw Bada. Gosh why is she everywhere!? I tried my best to ignore her as I sat on the opposite side of couch and checked my phone.

"Why are you here?" She asked snickering

"I'm waiting for a friend okay? Omg why can't you just stay out of my business FOR ONCE!" I said getting irritated

"Damn, maybe Hyunjin was right, you do overact" she muttered loud enough for me to hear

I stood up and slapped her across the face. She clutched her cheek and I was still mad. I was about to hit her again but the doorbell rang and I went to answer it.

"Jisungie!!" I said as I hugged him

"Y/nie" he said as he hugged me back

"Bada." He said

"Han." She said. I felt this weird tension so I quickly pulled Han out the door and to his car

"I fucking hate her!" I said angrily

"Bada?" He asked

"Yes!! She's such a bitch and like why is she even here like no one wants her here except seungmin bc he fucking stopped liking me because her bitchass came here like no he's mine back off you tall freak!" I ramble on and on about her until Han spoke up

"Okay okay we get you hate her, but can we talk" he said


"First off you look completely different, your hair got longer and thinner and your very skinny. Second, I'm still shocked that he likes Bada and not you and third wanna get something to eat?" He said

"First, thank you. Second, me too like what the fuck and third third I'm not hungry" I said

"Are you sure?" He asked

"I'm sure 100%" I said reassuring him


For the next hour and a half jisung and y /n drove around and talked about anything and everything. It was very overdue and brought peace to the both of them. It was around 4am when they got to y/ns house.

"Bye sungie!! Text me when you get home" I said but it felt like there was something missing from the sentence. It was something we used to say to each other every day, I love you.

The hate I have for you|| skz/bada lee ffWhere stories live. Discover now