Chapter 2: Camelus

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Humanity once lived in peace and harmony, but it was destroyed by extraterrestrial mechanical beings known as Raptures. The only hope for survival was to fight back using the Nikke, a weapon created by the United Force of Humanity. The Nikke involved brain transplants of human females into mechanical bodies. Men who underwent the process had much lower chances of survival. But on the other side that could fight back against the rupture but differently to the Nikke's.

The United Force of Humanity is a group that has been created with the idea of bringing people from all over the world together to fight against the ruptures using Nikke. However, another organization has emerged by the name of Global Defense Unity Alliance (GDUA), which has developed a weapon called the "Armor Trooper". The GDUA has gained support from all around the world for its ability to fight against large-scale threats. The Armor Trooper is a highly advanced machine that has been designed to combat any type of rupture that may occur. It is equipped with state-of-the-art weaponry and armor that provides exceptional protection to its pilots.

The GDUA used various forms of propaganda to promote its cause, such as plastic models and TV shows. This propaganda proved to be highly effective in promoting the GDUA and gaining support for its cause. The pilots of armored troopers have become an emblem of hope for many, especially children who idolize them as the "Knights of Gaia."

The GDUA has been able to gain a significant advantage in the fight against large-scale threats due to the exceptional capabilities of the Armor Trooper. The organization has been able to attract a large number of volunteers who are willing to serve the cause and fight for the greater good. With the support of people from all around the world, the GDUA is poised to make a significant impact in the fight against the common threats that humanity faces.

The Global Defense Unity Alliance had been working tirelessly for years to protect humanity. Their efforts had gained them the respect and support, as well as the government. However, despite all the support they received, their time was running out.

Their worst fears were realized when a large army of raptures invaded their headquarters. Despite their best efforts, the GDUA was outnumbered and eventually destroyed, base after base. The outcome was devastating, and many of humanity's dreams were crushed. They had worked so hard for years, only to be defeated in the end.

The aftermath of the invasion left everyone in shock. The once thriving and powerful GDUA was now gone. The members were scattered, and their legacy was slowly fading away. It was only a matter of time before they were forgotten by everyone who once looked up to them.

Unknown Location
??? Class: ???

Crew 1: "Oi, hurry up and repair that thing as soon as possible, otherwise Jacob will be very upset. Quit the lazy arse and get to work!"

The crews on the hangar were currently on a very tight schedule to repair the Armor Trooper. By the looks of it, the AT's body was heavily damaged. Crew 1 is doing his best to help them while checking an AT's system to register its name onto the computer, and then someone walks behind him.

Jacob: "How's the status, Joseph?"

Crew 1 who was named Joseph startled when Jacob spoke in a stern authority voice.

Joseph: "It can be repaired but not to its old state, and the bad news is our materials were scarce, halting the repair for a meantime until we get the scraps from no man's land."


Joseph: "Oh, it's finished."

The AT's registry was done, indicating that AT's data acquisition was completed.

Joseph: "Let's see... ATA-062 Zwei, an AT's mass-production type. It's a well-rounded unit during the early rapture war, developed by Gustav Electronics and...?"

Jacob: "Global Defense Unity Alliance, which I also helped to produce Zwei and Stug. (Sigh) it brings me back to being young again."

Joseph: "Wait, you're the other one who built this?"

Jacob couldn't help but smile at him, projected like a young Jacob from nostalgic memories.

Jacob: "Yep, anyways modify this battered AT and change its role in the battle to your liking, Joseph."

Joseph: "Hai!! (Salute)"

As Jacob gave Joseph some challenge the Comms alarmed in red, alerting the crew that they were in danger.

Jacob: "You go ahead the bridge needs me."

As the alarm blares throughout the ship, Jacob springs into action. Without a moment's hesitation, he sprints towards the bridge. The rest of the crew follows suit, hurrying to their designated battle stations.

As Jacob reaches the bridge, he finds the rest of the crew already there, frantically preparing for the imminent battle. He takes a deep breath, steadying his nerves, and scans the room, taking note of the positions of his fellow crewmates.

Henrick: "We've found the large group of raptures a few kilometers ahead of us. Looks like we need Reiner to do this job."

Einrita: "Yes captain, I'll send him off."

J.J: "Wait, we detecting PLOT particles ahead of us, and located in the center of the raptures swarm!"

As J.J. put it, everyone was completely caught off guard by the sudden appearance of yet another AT unit in operation, causing quite a stir among them.

Jacob: "Impossible, no Armor Trooper has been operating from the No Man's land since the fall of GDUA."

Henrick: "Well someone is lucky enough to survive this hellish world."

Comms: "I'm here Captain."

On the bridged screen, a red AT unit was preparing to launch. Glowing in neon red indicates the PLOT drive to its system is active and is ready to launch.

Henrick: "Reiner, You and Àpeiros do the observation to unknown AT and don't make any contact with them. If any goes downhill, assist it."

Reiner: "Yes Captain... Reiner Emil, Àpeiros launching!!!"

Lucas: "There goes again. Fly soar high."

Henrick: "... Indeed, but we don't have any choice but to rely on him."

Despite the tension in the air, Jacob can't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with the rest of the crew. They've been through so much together, and he knows they'll all do whatever it takes to protect their ship and each other.

Meanwhile, ahead of camelus distances and hours later.

Hazel stood firm against his other opponent as the dust swayed in the wind. Both were anticipated for a few seconds until the rapture moved first as he shot its cannon at Hazel. Hazel dodged the first volley but on the second he got hit. Hail of beam projectile coming at him dodges everything he can as he tries to get near that rapture until he reaches it to slash his arm blade.

The enemy was a towering figure, clad in thick armor that seemed impenetrable. Zero's arm blade, usually able to cut through anything in its path, couldn't even make a scratch on the surface of the armor. He tried with all his might, but it was to no avail causing his foe to knock him back. The blade simply couldn't pierce through until he felt weak and by looking at his only weapon, the blade didn't glow anymore.

After Hazel lost his footing, he stumbled and nearly fell, but he quickly regained his balance. However, as he attempted to take a step forward, his foot caught on something and he lost his balance once again. He desperately tried to maintain his stance, but it was to no avail. He fell to the ground with a thud, his heart racing as he tried to catch his breath his vision began to blur and his body couldn't move an inch.

Hazel: 'What's happening? My body, I couldn't move!'

In his moment of despair, he feels as though the air has been sucked out of his lungs. The towering figure before him casts a daunting shadow, its mechanical joints emitting a low hum that reverberates through the air. Despite his weakened state, he can't tear his gaze away from the imposing presence that looms over him. Aiming its large caliber cannon at his suit suddenly a red flash in the sky, making a rapture avert its attention to the sky as Hazel became weakened and unconscious, his suit automatically disabled because his body couldn't handle it.


Reiner: "That's it, keep looking at me."

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