[ Confessions of Being FriendZoned ]

Start from the beginning

Just as Apple had said, when I did say something it wasn't anything more than six words—ten if they were lucky. I was completely alright with that. I spoke those who mattered and ignored those who didn't.

Somehow, the girls found the whole Mysterious Logan attractive.

Why, would you ask?

I couldn't answer that myself—girls were too fucking complicated. But they shamelessly flirted and threw themselves at me. It was a little creepy and it made me cringed as I learned what girls would do to get what they wanted.

It made me realize how lucky I was that I wasn't freaking female.

During high school I never really saw other girls. Sure, a lot of them were hot—I wasn't going to lie, but damn most of them had no personality. Especially ones who never stopped their idiotic banter, long and boring monologues of themselves, and their vain problems. For God's sake, if I was to strip all of them off of their body and left them with their personalities it would be hard to distinguish one girl from the other—they were all fucking the same.

Nonetheless, there was always one girl that stood out from the whole sea of clones. It was no one else other than Apple.

I didn't know what it meant then, but I was pretty sure I was infatuated with Apple Winston. Well, enough to get angry when the guys on the team talked about her and how "hot" she was in high school and how they wanted to have her. Hell, I would have punched them if I didn't have to face the consequence of being kicked out of the team.

So, instead, I stole her First Official Kiss (she called it The "First Official" Kiss since I've already kissed her numerous of times back when we were younger. Beat that, you fucking losers) and the bragging rights of kissing her as well as proclaimed her mine and out of the "market."

It happened when we were walking Mojo one afternoon and she being stubborn and didn't give me candy. I threatened her that I would take it from her mouth, and she dared me, assuming that I wouldn't ever do such a thing.

I happily obliged; I was fourteen for God's sake and she fucking dared me to. Of course I would do it.

It wasn't exactly a quick kiss because I tried to take the candy from her mouth, so there was a bit of tongue action, too—hey, I wasn't complaining. She tasted like watermelons because of the candy and from then on, watermelons became my favourite fruit. It always reminded me of her lips.

Jesus, and how those goddamn lips haunted my sleep every friggin' night.

Apple was pretty much horrified when I kissed her. I was, too. But damn, I wanted to kiss her even more after that. It was like taking a bite of the greatest cake in the world and never having another taste after that.

It was truly fucking agonizing.

Apple Cheeks was the kind of girl who you want to have, but once you get her, you'd just want more, more, more, and fucking more. Christ, how I loathed the nights she haunted my sleep with her doe-brown eyes and long blonde hair. She was my best friend, of course, so I never latched out the fact that I was in love with her for almost my whole life.

Our friendship wasn't something I wanted to ruin because I couldn't control my stupid, obstinate hormones. Apple was the best thing that happened to me—I wasn't going to risk it and throw it all away. She was one of the few people in the world that I didn't want to be out of my life.

And, being a greedy and stupid and a teenager, I wanted all of her firsts.

Hence, I was pretty damn happy that I got her first kiss, but it pissed me off when Jared Bridge asked her out on a date when two months after I kissed her. He knew that I kissed Apple, but he asked her out anyway, retorting that she and I weren't really a "couple."

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