Extra Two

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Taewon's Proposal Part 2
Updated: December 29, 2023

Exhausting. That was the only word that could be used to describe their trip. Well, their flight.

Even though it was only a couple of hours, the excitement they had for their vacation had exploded the entire way, wearing them out by the end of the flight, having no energy left for the rest of the day. The heat of the summer air was sweltering even on the cool air conditioned airplane, draining their energy even more. Everything was hot and sticky.

"What happened to you?" Yeonjun nudged Beomgyu as they exited the Jeju airport. Yeonjun was smart. He didn't waste his energy while on the plane and was still just as energetic as he was before their flight.

"What do you mean?" Beomgyu looked like he literally melted the moment the blazing heat of the sun came in contact with his skin. Some strands of his hair started clumping together and sticking to his forehead the longer they stood waiting for their ride.

"Weren't you the one bouncing off of your seat while we were on the plane? Why does it suddenly look like you don't even want to be here anymore?"

Beomgyu didn't give any reaction to the older attempt at teasing him, too exhausted to even say a word, and with no reaction, Yeonjun tried to tease others only to, again, be met by exhausted silence.

A bus pulled up after a few of Yeonjun's failed attempts.

"This is our bus," said Taewon after checking his phone.

Then, without hesitation, they loaded their bags on the bus before comfortably finding their seats soaking in the cool air that blasted into their faces from the AC. Once settled, it wasn't long before they were off to their accommodation that Taewon had already paid for and reserved.

As the boys had predicted, this accommodation Taewon had sent pictures of was an Airbnb with a private beach. He had found a listing of a large house with multiple rooms to comfortably house up to twelve people at once. The beach property was clean and isolated from others by rocks and genes. Not a single person could interrupt them even if they tried.

"Taewon-ah, I hope this place wasn't too burdensome to reserve." It was Beomgyu and Taewon's mother who spoke once the bus started moving.

The oldest brother shook his head with a gentle smile, "it was just within my budget, Mom. Don't worry and just relax."

"Mom," said Jiyoon respectfully, who sat next to her boyfriend, "you've been working too hard recently. Let's try not to worry about the cost of things and have fun." Her face was naturally gentle and kind looking, and even when she smiled, one's worries could immediately vanish and be forgotten.

"Alright," said Mom Choi. She seemed to very much like Jiyoon, smiling back just as endearingly as if Jiyoon was her own biological daughter.

Taewon had chosen well.

After about thirty minutes of driving, the group arrived at the Airbnb.

"Wah... Taewon-hyung," Yeonjun began as he stepped out of the bus, "you really outdid yourself. This place is huge!"

It indeed was huge. The building was three floors tall with a total of six bedrooms, four full bathrooms, one powder room, a full kitchen, and three living areas. And, not only did it have its own beach as it was advertised, it had its own temperature-controlled pool and its own hot tub.

It was hard to believe that everything here was within Taewon's budget. Was his new job paying him well? It had to be if he was able to afford something like this.

"Taewonie," Jiyoon said the moment she and him stepped into the house.

"Yeah?" He carried in the heavier bags.

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