Chapter Twenty Two

942 52 10

Updated: April 8, 2022
Edited: June 30, 2023

Blinking his eyes open, Beomgyu slowly adjusted to the light seeping through the thin walls of the tent. At first, nothing felt wrong. In fact, everything felt quite comfortable. It was warm unlike the night before when he was freezing his toes off. But after a moment of sitting comfortably in the newly found warmth, he felt that something was really quite off.

There was a hard pillow in front of him on which he didn't remember falling asleep in front of, but he never remembered how and when he fell asleep anyway. The thing was, he didn't remember ever owning a hard pillow or even bringing one on this trip. In fact, he didn't bring any pillows, just blankets.



That's when he remembered, and Beomgyu's face suddenly flushed a bright red; the color flowed all the way to the tip of his ears and the back of his neck.

Slowly, he gazed up, tensing as his eyes trailed all the way to the person's face. He only relaxed when he saw that the younger was still sleeping softly, breathing in calm breaths with his eyes closed gently.

Then, he remembered.

You smell good, Hyun-ah...

Beomgyu scrunched his face embarrassingly, reaching up with his hand and slapping his forehead.

Why. Did. He. Say. That.

A slight movement and a soft groan from Taehyun had Beomgyu freezing on the spot, cautiously looking up at him, and hoping that when he slapped himself, he hadn't accidentally woken Taehyun up from his slumber.

Taehyun's face was quite peaceful, only he looked slightly annoyed (most likely from the sound of Beomgyu slapping his own face). The muscle between his brows was furrowed lightly, his eyelids gently squeezed together. Fortunately, a moment later, his face returned to its calm state from earlier—when the pebble had not been dropped into the pond.

From where Beomgyu was, he could see the gentle curve of the older's cheekbones, the softly rounded chin, the sharp contrast of the bright of his nose, and the gentle lift of the corner of his eyes. His skin was pale and smooth with little to no spots of dirt.

Had Taehyun always looked this clean?

Unconsciously, Beomgyu had reached up and gently touched Taehyun's cheek with a slender hand, feeling the smooth, white skin under his fingertips. It was just as he expected it was, soft and clean, void of bumps and pimples. It was almost as smooth and soft as a white fluffy pillow.

Then, suddenly, a hand gripped his wrist, causing Beomgyu to flinch and pull his hand back, only the person's grip was too strong for him to escape out of.

That was the same moment Beomgyu realized Taehyun had woken up; the younger's two large eyes were gazing back at him tiredly. "Hyung..."

Beomgyu tensed at the rough, hoarse voice that escaped the soft face in front of him. It sent tingles up his back, brushing at the hairs on the nape of his neck, almost as if it was threatening to strangle him.

"What are you doing...?" Taehyun loosened his grip, letting Beomgyu's hand slide down as he went to rub his sleepy eyes.

"I- I-" Beomgyu quickly brought his hand to his chest, holding it as if it had been stabbed by something sharp. "U-uh- nothing. I- I didn't do anything!" Seeing that Taehyun's eyes were more or less closed, the older quickly slipped out of the shared blanket they had somehow snuck under in the middle of the night, far away from Taehyun.

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