Chapter Thirteen

991 58 37

Updated: January 14, 2022
Edited: June 28, 2023

Putting the phone on his desk, he dropped his backpack on the floor before reaching for the charger cord hanging off the edge of his desk. He picked up the end of the cord and plugged it into his phone, lighting the screen up. Beomgyu's wallpaper flashed on and the time displayed itself at the top, 6:31 PM. Then, just as he sat down, his phone lit up immediately after the screen turned off, and a familiar name showed up on FaceTime along with a familiar picture. His finger slid across the screen, accepting the call.

"Hi!" Greeted the face as soon as he appeared on screen. Beomgyu propped his charging phone against the wall on his desk.

"Hello, Hyun-ah."

"What did you need help with?" Asked the silver-haired boy.

"Oh, um, give me a moment." Beomgyu bent down to the bag, disappearing from the view of the camera for a second. He took out his math notebook and plopped it onto his desk. "I need you to explain the unit circle thing again. I didn't really understand it when you first explained it this morning." He flipped to the same page.

"Mm..." Taehyun disappeared from the screen and reappeared with a clean, empty sheet of paper. Beomgyu couldn't see this part, but Taehyun drew a quick circle. Large enough to cover the entire sheet, labeling each angle and coordinate.

The younger took his phone from where it was leaning and flipped the camera, so he could show the circle he had just drawn. Then, picking up the pen again, he pointed to the different angles and coordinates, carefully explaining every trick again. He took his time, making sure Beomgyu understood everything he said and had enough time for him to take notes and draw the exact model Taehyun did.

"Wait, wait, wait. Hyun, slow down." Beomgyu flipped his pencil around to the eraser, erasing what he wrote a moment ago. "What did you say again?"

Without showing any sign of annoyance, Taehyun retraced his words and repeated, "In the first quadrant, we can use it as a base for the other three since everything is reflected based on that. So, the numerator of the x-coordinate counts up to three as we go counterclockwise. It is the opposite for the y-coordinate numerator. We also know that both coordinates' denominators are two. Then, just square root the numerators to find the values."

Beomgyu nodded as his pencil scribbled a few more words onto his notebook. "How do you know when a value is negative or when a value is positive?" His head was still tilting to the side as he spoke.

Taehyun, who was silently admiring the older through the phone, answered a moment later. "In the first quadrant, all values are positive. In the second quadrant, the x-"

"Oh, wait, nevermind. I know. You don't need to explain anymore." Beomgyu knocked his head with the palm of his hand, letting out a chuckle. "I'm just stupid and forgot the ASTC thing."

Sighing, Taehyun chuckled, "you're not stupid, Hyung, you just forgot." He returned his phone to show his face again, smiling dumbly at Beomgyu. "People forget all the time."

The other covered his face with his hand, pouting flusteredly.

"You're smart, Hyung," said Taehyun, reaching for his history notebook and textbook. "And, smart people forget sometimes."

Beomgyu cleared his throat, denying the younger's comment, "What are you talking about? Smart people don't forget things. You don't forget, and you're smart."

"Well... I forgot to get you ice cream the other day, and I did once forget to write an essay that was due that same day." Taehyun shrugged, flipping to a page in the middle of the textbook.

Forget Me Not | A Taegyu FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora