"Mommy, is that you?"

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I wrote this as a writing challenge in August 2023.

4 year old Kageyama Tobio, crying on a swing on the playground. He was walking with his mother an hour ago.

He knew he left his mothers hand and ran to the playground without her premission. She didn't really paid attention to her son, because she was busy taking a call. Normally Tobio wouldn't just run away, because he was too scared, but this time his fascination for the empty playground surpassed him.

Just when it was too late, little Tobio noticed he was alone. His mother wasn't by his side anymore and he also didn't know the way home.

The little boy started crying, sitting on the swing. He thought that he would sit there forever.

When will mom find me? Will I ever go home again?

More tears ran down his cheeks. He covered his eyes with his hands.

“I miss my mom…” he murmured desperately. Seconds later he heard footsteps walking towards him.

“Mummy, is that you?” He looked up hoping his mother finally found him.

“Oh no, I'm not your mother little boy..” Another boy said. He was a bit taller than Tobio and had beautiful brown hair. It was really fluffy and shiny. His eyes were the most beautiful ones he has ever seen.

“My name is Tooru Oikawa. Nice to meet you.” The other boy smiled brightly.

“What's your name?” Tobio sniffed and whipped his tears away.

“M-my n-name is Tobio… k-kageyama. N-nice to meet you t-too”

“Alright Tobio, why are you crying? Are you hurt?” Tooru asked worriedly and squatted down in front of the still crying boy.

“N-no im not..”

“What happened then?”

“Uhm..m-my mom. I don't know where she is "

"So you got lost?”


Oikawa patted the younger boy's head.

“Don't worry, we'll find your mom. Just stop crying, okay?” Tobio nooded. The chocolate boy took Tobios hand so that he stood up.

“Come on!” Oikawa guided the younger off the playground. They started walking in different directions hoping Tobio would recognize some streets.

“Tell me Tobio..How old are you?”

“I'm 4 years old. How old are you?”

“I'm 6 years old” Oikawa smiled again, making the little boy smile too.

“You're really cute, Tobio, you know that?” He didn't get an answer, just a slightly flustered Tobio.

“Let's be friends after we found your mom. Yes?"

“Okay” he murmured.
Only half an hour later Tobio recognized his street and house. He beamed with relief when he saw his mother already running out towards him.

“Tobio honey! Are you okay? Where were you? I'm so sorry..This won't ever happen again, I promise. Were you scared? I bet, but everything is okay now.” She hugged her son so tight and gave him a lot of kisses on his forehead. A few minutes after she came down a bit, she tilted her head to the stranger.

“Tobio, who is this?”

“My name is Oikawa Tooru, Ma'am!" he said, bowing down.

“Mom, he helped me finding you. He is so cool and mature!” Tobio said, obviously fascinated by the older. His mom laughed a bit.

“Nice to meet you, Tooru. Wanna come in for a moment?” Before he could even answer, Tobo answered for him: “Yes please!”

Oikawa put on a bright smile.

“Thank you for bringing my son home save, Tooru. Really.”


Oikage - Oneshot book (english and german)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora