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Hara's POV

I take my seat next to Hyerin as the bus drives away. After the argument I had with my parents yesterday, it feels good to be away for some time. 

Hyerin takes her earbuds off as she turns to me. 

'How are you, you know after yesterday?' My sister asks, concern written all over her face. 

I shrug lightly, not letting the events get to my head 'Nothing I'm not used to.' Hyerin nods before looking away. After a while, she turns back to me. 

'You know, Kyungjun has been staring at you this whole time.' She nods in a direction. I follow her gaze to see that Kyungjun is still staring at me. I look away, not being able to hold his intense eye contact. 

Hyerin smirks at me. 'You need to tell me what's going on between you two, I feel like I'm a whole book behind.' I laugh at her comment. 'There is nothing to say.' I close my eyes as I try to drift into a peaceful nap. 

Nonetheless, I can't help but feel this fuzzy feeling in my stomach. 


'Hey, Hara, wake up,' Hyerin shook me awake. So I did fall asleep. 

I lazily take my belongings before exiting the bus, stretching once I'm outside. The sun glooms over my face as I squint my eyes. 

'Slept well, Sleeping Beauty?' I roll my eyes as I hear the voice of the person I was trying to avoid. 

Looking around, I see my sister standing with Junhee and Yoonseo. I didn't fail to notice the glare that Somi sent Hyerin. 

'What the fuck does she want?' I thought to myself. Not realising I said it out loud, Kyungjun steps closer to me. 'If you want to I can you know, teach her a lesson. Get her to stay away from your sister.' 

I turn around glaring at him. 'I don't sweep that low, Kyungjun. I'm not like her.'

He raises his hands up in defense 'Just suggesting.' He says before walking away. 

My luggage strolls behind me as we step into the building. I didn't fail to notice the statue. It had an eerie vibe around it. In front of it, is a poster with a QR code attached to it.

Scan the QR code to connect to the Wi-Fi and install the Youth Center App automatically

I pull out my phone and scan the QR code, watching as the other students do the same. 

Yoonseo comes up behind me, and I suddenly remember, it's almost her birthday.

'What do you want for your birthday?' I hear Junhee ask. I turn around to see that Jungwon is there too. 

'Tell me today, I won't get you anything if you get me past midnight.' Junhee teases. I smile as I approach Junhee.

'Get her a detective novel' I whisper to him before running away. 'Hey Hara what did you tell him!' She yelled as the rest of the group laughed. 

Jungwon, Yoonseo, Hyerin, and I go into our room to dump our bags. I lay onto the bed, feeling drained after the rough day we just had.

Hyerin turns to me 'Are you going to the <party> downstairs' She asks as she turns to the door. I sit upright on the bed before nodding and following along. We get into the gym to see all the students having fun. The girls are preparing for the school dance, that's scheduled a few days later. 

I notice Wooram filming everyone with a camcorder. 

'What is he doing?' I ask Hyerin. She looks at him before shrugging, 'I don't know, kid has always been weird.' I laugh at her. 'Ahh Hyerin you always have a way with words.' I say as we seperate. 

I went to sit next to Yoonseo and Jungwon, as she asks us about wheter or not we have Wi-Fi. I pull my phone out and see that we, in fact, do not have any Wi-Fi. 

The teacher stands a few feet away as he talks to Junhee and Somi, before he hurriedly leaves off. 

All of a sudden, the lights turn off. We all look around some students shout in protest, only for it to be Heoyool. Another student throws a ball ath him as he beginss telling us about what to do if you see or feel a gost. I shift my gaze as it lands on Wooram, who seems to be intensly studying me. I shift under his gaze, feeling uncomfortable. 

After a while, the four of us retreat to our room. I take my clothes off and hop into the shower, feeling a moment of peace. 

As I go back into the room, my phone dings. An app starts loading itself on the screen. I frown, not remembering downloading this. Yoonseo and I share a confused look, before looking back to our phones. 

A red message encrypt itself onto the screen.

The Mafia game starts now. Check your occupation now. 

I press the screen as a white envelope comes to screen. I press on it, a new message displaying.

Seo Hara, your occupation is a Doctor.

'I'm a civilian' Yoonseo says. We all reply with 'So am I'

I click on the screen to check the rules.

1. The participants will be secretly assigned as civilians, a doctor, a police officer and a mafia.

The doctor can prevent the excecution of a participant of their choice.

The police officer can find out the occupation of the participant of their choice. 

Civilians, police officers and doctors are on the same team.

2. Starting at 8 a.m. to midnight, the participants will select a mafia member through voting.

3. At midnight, the participants with the most votes will get excecuted.

4. After the voting ends at midnight, all participants except for the mafia members will go to sleep. 

5. During the night, while the participants are asleep, the mafia must excecute someone themselves, by 6 a.m.

6. When either team civillians or team mafia kill all of the other team and win, it's game over.

Participants, please find the mafia and start voting now. 

What do they mean with excecuted? 

My phone dings again as we all receive a message from Heoyool in the group chat.

< Hi, losers! Is it my time to shine? Let the game begin now!>

The app displays all the names of the students. I click onto Heoyool's name, following the groups lead. 

Seo Hara has voted for Heoyool.

I put my phone away, not realising what the consequences of my action will be. 

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