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5 April


People around the world welcome their family members beautifully when they come after a long trip, Here I am welcomed with a sight to remember, Mahika sitting on a chair, and in front of her is MotherF*cker Zayn, drenched in his filthy blood and I see something beside him.

Oh, it's his Organs being eaten by maggots. She must have released them on him. I looked at Alex who looked like he wanted to join some game and sighed. These kids are unbelievable, we walked towards her to see her looking at him blankly.

Someone placed our chairs beside her, now we are staring at him like we are watching Animal Planet. This sight does not disgust us, we are used to it. Alex breaks the silence as he also wants to do some torture on Zayn, this kid is always ready to try new torture methods on everyone.

He asked," What did he do? I think he deserves more torture." Mahika and I slightly smirked and she replied," This Filth was sexually assaulting his niece under our nose." Now I understand the whole picture, it is one of the principles of our Mafia - Never touch anyone sexually without their consent.

It's more like in our mafia organization, if anyone were found doing it, it would be considered a betrayal. And what this filth did was unacceptable. Alex stood up and said," My Lovely Queen, Let me treat him, please. See, he does not deserve your time and energy, and it's the perfect chance for me to test my skills on him."

Mahika stood up giving Alex a knowing look and said," Don't be a softie and display his body after torture to everyone, so they know what we do to Filth like them." Alex nodded and hugged her happily who caressed his cheek and then he ran inside the Tools room to choose his things. and came out with his dark demeanor.

Mahika asked me to come with her, I found it the perfect opportunity to discuss Kuragari. I was about to say something when suddenly her phone rang, she answered it and I heard her praising someone and cut the call after saying, 'That's my Good Boy' softly.

FU*K THIS SHIT, this psycho must have done something to impress her again. I tried my luck and said," Mahika, I want to discuss something with you." She looked at me and nodded her head indicating me to continue. I took a deep breath and said," You know Kuragari killed James because he was planning to ask Master for his permission to court you."

My Queen gave me a bored look and replied to me," It doesn't matter, James was a creep, always finding opportunities to get into my good books, and on the other side, James is a 34-year-old man KENJI, and I am a 16-year-old minor, KENJI. It's good my boy Kuro killed that pedophile. I told you many times not to target Kuro by tagging him an Obsessed Psycho, even if he is an obsessed person, then his obsession is healthy."

I looked at her understanding no one can change what she thinks of a person, she loves us in her own way. She is attached to Kuragari as he does not have any family, so she fills that place for him. Kuragari is obsessed with her because she is the only one, he has as a family, so I believe it's better not to worry.

I nodded my head and asked her," But could you please tell him not to kill our men." She chuckled softly and told me not to worry. I again asked her," What did he say on the call?" She replied happily," I told him to recheck Zayn's place, and my boy burned down his empire, He knows what goes inside my mind, He made my work easy."

Well, however, He is one of the best assassins in his Clan. We reached her room, and she turned to look at me and said," You freshen up too, I'll meet you downstairs in the kitchen as I'm in the mood to cook something, okay? and We missed you a lot, Kenji."

ADIKA - HIS OTHER HALF (18+)Where stories live. Discover now