The Chungus

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Another door slammed shut on the opposite side of Ripp, creating a barrier between him and Red. Then, a voice whispered to Ripp on the intercom: "Pssst! Cut the GREEN wire! Hurry up!". An indicator light lit up on the floor beneath a grated pannel. Ripp lifted up the pannel, to reveal dense electrical wiring, with one green wire noticibly sticking out to him. On the ground next to the wires laid a pair of wire cutters. Although worried, ripp decided to listen to the mystery voice, and snapped the green wire. Almost instantly, the door to the main lobby opened, and the lights switched back on. Ripp gasped in horror, as he saw Emit, dead on the floor from a brutal attack. Ripp cautiously tread over to Emit's body, and picked up a pink sticky note which was lying 3 feet away from Emit. It read "Red and Yellow, suspicious...". The voice on the intercom picked up again. "Meet me outside, Ripp!". Somehow they knew ripp's name.

Ripp ambled his way to the emergency exit door from the main room. He pushed and shoved at the door, however, it would not budge, so Ripp picked up a wrench from a desk and gave the door several loud knocks. "Aghh" mumbled a voice. The door was then pulled wide open. What stood infront of ripp, was a shocking sight. It was about 6 feet tall, with grey fur and a plump body shape, with the tallest ears Ripp has ever seen. Ripp could hardly make out the face of the creature, as the sun was shining into his eyes from behind its head. "Ah, you must be Ripp. I've heard about you! Follow meeeeee". Ripp had finally figured out what laid before his eyes; it was a big, obese rabbit! The rabbit was heavy, and stomped as it trudged through the path outside the building towards a field, flourished with greenery. Ripp looked at his surroundings: the landscape was so lush and prosperous. The town in the distance was filled with fancy skyscrapers, giant fountains, colorful gardens, and luxury vilas. Ripp turned around and looked at the building he had just exited. The walls were a shiny, silver and blue, similar to the interior. The roof was high up, as the building had multiple stories, but Ripp could make out a telescope, even larger than the one from the curious manor. To the side of the building, was a giant greenhouse, with a garden inside.

Ripp talked to the gargantuan rabbit as they strolled towards a satellite dish in the middle of the field. "My name is really nervous subject, but you can call me Chungus", he said, pulling a carrot from the field and munching it. "That's my lab name, heheheh". Ripp stared at his face; Chungus had two noticibly large front teeth, and two bushy eyebrows. "What happened to you, and why did you save me?". "Well, I just got trolled by my lab mates. There not really mates, there just downright bullies if you ask me. Circe and loki, my lab partners, thought it would be funny to trial their dumb 'age reduction' machine on me, but look at me now! They kept calling me big Chungus! Ever since, I have been evesdropping outside curious laboratories through the windows. I noticed Circe and Loki have gone missing ever since Emit's partners came. That's when I worked out Red and Yellow are assasins! Emit put the building on lockdown, so all doors can only be opened from the inside. However, I couldn't get in to save him in time, but thats when I heard you!". Ripp applauded his efforts. "How did you speak on the intercom, and close that door?". "Oh" big chungus replied. "I learnt how to hijack the curious system from the outside, through the front door security system". Chungus munched down on another carrot.

Chungus asked "Hey, did you see the mission Emit had left you?"

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Chungus asked "Hey, did you see the mission Emit had left you?". 

"I did, but I don't think that plan can come to fruition now, especially with those imposters roaming around inside the Curious Manner. I must get back in to find that... graviton field device thingy!"

"Yeah its too dangerous" chungus responded, as he munched down yet  another carrot. "Why don't you just stick around with me for the day?"

Ripp muttered "Whatever", watching the beast devour its veggies. Suddenly, chungus got up and  faced towards the other end of the field. "Follow me!". Hesitantly, Ripp agried to follow the rabbit. Big chungus bounded through the meadow, with his large rabbit feet thudding the ground on each bounce, disturbing some moths and grasshoppers as they fleeted out of the way. He continued down the field and through some woodland, on the other side being a suburb. As ripp followed the rabbit, they made their way to a graveyard.

Big chungus let out a large grin as he bounded towards a shady looking old-style wooden building besides the graveyard, with broken windows. Using his front paws, he presented the house to Ripp. "This is my temporary home, the Nigmoss house!" Ripp retorted "What a dump!", just barely avoiding getting glass stuck in his trainers as he approached the front door with Chungus. 

As the door was opened, it made a harrowing creak, enough to make Ripp cover his ears in discomfort. Ripp stood at the front door aghast, as he peered into the poorly maintained household. In the hallway, the wallpaper was all scratched and falling off, the carpets where tinted with mold, and there were cobwebs in every nook and cranny. Through the hallway, was the ambient noise of a static TV. "I want you to meet my cousin, my best pal, my ghost hunting partner!" big chungus explained, excited to show Ripp. Ripp let out a sigh, as big chungus was not helping with his problems in the slightest. "Ok then, who is it?"

Big chungus opened the living room door and giggled. "Meet... Ophelia Nigmoss!"

Ripp turned his gaze away from the gargantuan lagomorph, and towards the mysterious woman. She was sitting in a well-worn, scruffy old armchair, watching the static on a broken TV which looked like it was from the 60s. Ophelia was a gorgeous blonde, of african american decent, and Ripp couldn't help but think about how cute she looked, despite her eerie actions. Ripp kept his thoughts to himself however, and remained stoic to maintain his pride and dignity.

"TV's broken again... Who's this kid?" Ophelia asked as she turned her head towards big chungus. 

"He's my new friend, Ripp grunt! He appeared in the Curious lab while I was spying from the outside!"

"Well, what an interesting turn of events.." Opheilia responded

Ripp grunt blurted out angrily "I'm not your friend you fat rabbit, I just want to go back to my era already, and you're taking me on a detour!"

"Yeesh, don't get your knickers in a twist" big chungus replied, in a snarky manner. "You know, we could go ghost hunting tonight, to get to know eachother better, and we could have a sleep over and play board games and..."

"SHUT. UP." blurted Ripp grunt, fuming with rage. "I don't want to go ghost hunting. I dont't want to have a sleep over. I don't want to play board games, and most importantly, I do not want to be friends with a fat, imbecilic rabbit!"

Big chungus let out a soft whimper, hurt by Ripp's remarks. "Im sorry its just.. I don't know how to help you..."

Ophelia switched off the static TV, and faced in Ripp's direction, where he stood infront of the living room door. "Maybe I can help..."

Ripp, a little flustered by Ophelia's attention, replied "If you think so, then go ahead. I need to get back into the Curious laboritories, but there are two derranged imposters that work there who are ready to ambush me as soon as I step a foot into that establishment again".

Ophelia smiled and let out a devilish giggle. "Maybe I could show you someone... someone capable of breaking and entering... someone... with murder in their eyes." Ripp squinted his eyes at Ophelia, unsure whether to be concerned or compassionate towards her. Ophelia laughed "I know just the person crazy enough to be up for the challenge. I know just who!"

Ripp, rather eager, asked "Who?".

Ophelia replied "Her name... her name... her name is Bella Goth".

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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