The Choice

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Pascal Curious was an obscure figure; short, reserved and always timid. Ripp and lilith rang the doorbell on the Curious Manor, to be greeted by his disgruntled face. "Go. Now. Quick". The man hardly speaked in sentences. "Dude, theres an unconscious guy in a spacesuit near my campervan! I just thought you'd know but surely...".  Ripp could barely finish his sentence before being dragged inside. Lilith, bewildered and awestruck, followed Ripp inside out of curiosity. Pascal lead Ripp and Lilith up the unstable wooden stairs, to an observatory at the top of the manor. Up at the top, a 10 foot telescope was pointed in the direction where the lone space ranger once laid. The Manor, which Pascal and his brothers reside in, was a massive laboratory. 

"Look", muttered pascal. Ripp and Lilith were shocked to see nothing at all, just an empty, shrubby field. "Where'd he go?" Asked ripp. Pascal signaled his brothers Vidcund and Lazlo to help turn the telescope around.  Vidcund caught the attention of Ripp the most however: his New York Aster T-shirt was the most admireable, and it suit Vidcund's built up body. Ripp admired his muscles as Vidcund rotated the telescope. "Hey, snap back, remember why we came here!" barked Lilith, seething with rage. The two peered through the telescope again: There was buzz, just down the road at the base of the laboratory. "Look. Come. Now. Hide." said Pascal. Buzz had awakened, and had the energy of a shaken soda. He was headded straight towards the Curious Manor."

Pascal guided everyone into the laboratory basement. It was a strange place, with the strangest of gadgets. Lilith picked up what looked like an egg attatched alarm clock, and it immediately started vibrating at a high frequency.  "Thats the automatic egg mixter, handy that, eh?" said Lazlo. Ripp felt something hanging from a string, and decided to poke it, when suddenly 2 spiked metalic plates clamped around it. "Woah! Thats the squirrel catcher." Vidcund remarked. "That nearly took my fingers off!" cried Ripp. Lilith pointed out something at the back of the room: "Look! Kitty cat!". She rushed over to it and it had the name "Sox" on its plastic collar. The cat was completely robotic. "I wonder what this does!". 

A loud knock was heard from downstairs

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A loud knock was heard from downstairs. "Open up, this is General Buzz! Star command commands you to surrender!". Confusion instantly set in Ripps head. "General buzz? My father?". Thats when the eyes on the robo-cat shot wide open. "Meoooooow, Im Sox! We don't have a lot of time. Buzz is looking for the big rip. It's his only way back." Ripp and Lilith were puzzled by the thought of a "big rip". Ripp responded, "So, lets give him the big rip and he'll go away...". Pascal facedpalmed his head. Pascal's brothered all looked at Ripp. "Why are they looking at you, Ripp?",  uttered Lilith. Then, Pascal let out a sentence: "YOU, are the big rip". Ripp was filled with disbelief. Sox purred infront of Ripp and stared into his eyes. "You only have two options now". Sox pointed at one of the larger, casket-shaped boxes in the corner. "You may either step inside that machine indefinitely, or at least, a long time, and this multiversed will be saved. Or you can refuse, and cause the multiverse to degenerate, one universe at a time." Sox added, "the moment you let buzz touch you, its game over. Buzz will keep hopping between universes, creating more rips across the multiverse. DO NOT let him escape this one, or it WILL be the end of everything". Ripp asked "why don't you just restrain buzz?", to which Sox replied "Buzz has gained too much power. Once he gets beyond strange town, he will have gathered enough dark energy to be virtually unstoppable. Dark energy harnessed by entering more and more rips." Buzz was now hammering at the basement door, which Pascal had locked. "Quick! Make your descision now! Meow!" cried sox.

"You know what..." said Ripp. "Maybe I have failed at everything, but I am not going to give up my life to save the multiverse from a physco in a space suit!" Buzz lightyear bust through the door, and ran up to Ripp. Lilith was in tears. Buzz reached his hand and pushed it into Ripp's chest, opening a large black rip across his body, until all of Ripp grunt was gone. As Buzz entered the rip, and as the rip closed in on itself, sox gave his final remarks. "Wow, just wow".

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