"What's this urge I have to pat her." He thought

Rias and Akeno were jealous as they saw Issei staring at Koneko.

Issei realised why he was getting this feeling.

"Koneko you wouldn't happen to be a catgirl." Issei

When she heard this she stopped eating.

She stood up and left afterwards.

"I am sorry about. When it comes to comes to her nekomata side. She gets like that." Rias

"So she's part nekomata." Issei thought

"So Issei how did you know she was a nekomata." Akeno asked curious

"If I couldn't recognize she was one. How could I call myself a cat lover." Issei said with a smile

"It looks we got competition." Akeno thought

After school ended. Rias used the telepotation circle in the club to teleport Issei to a client's house.

When Issei got to the client house. He saw a corpse. Issei spotted a man sitting on a chair.

"He must be the killer" Issei thought

"Punish the wicked. Words to live by. Yes wise advise to heed by a holy man." The man said sticking out his tongue

"You came into the wrong house my friend. Freed Sellzen here at your service. And you must be the scared little pussy who's devil ass this holy priest is going to exorcize." Freed

Issei stayed quiet.

Freed pulled out his gun and blade.

"First I am gonna cut out your evil heart with my heavenly blade of light. Then with my righteous gun I am gonna blast a hole in your wicked demon face. How does that sound devil." Freed said before jumping at Issei

He tried to slash him. Issei easily dodged. Freed aimed his gun at Issei's leg. Issei took the bullet.

The bullet stung a bit.

Issei looked at him with a serious expression

"Ooh is the devil angry. Maybe it is time for Freed Sellzen to send you back to the abyss from which you came." Freed

Issei dashed towards Freed. Freed aims a slash at Issei. Issei doesn't attempt dodge and gets his arm slashed off.

"Get a guy all worked up and leave him half cucked. That's no way for a lady to treat a gentleman such as myself." Freed

"Are you a masochist." Ddraig

"Like they say no pain no gain." Issei thought

"You don't gain anything from getting hurt" Ddraig

Just as Freed was about to slash Issei again. Asia screamed.

"What the hell Asia. What are you doing here. Are you done creating the barrier already." Freed

Asia was horrified as she saw what was going on

"Don't do this." Asia

"Right a newbie. Well then i guess it's time you learned. This is what the job is my dear. We dispose of unfortunate people who have been bewitched by the evil devils." Freed

Asia looked shocked

"It can't be. Issei why are you here." Asia

"As he said Asia. I am a devil." Issei

"So these two know each other." Freed thought

"No." Asia

"Not that this isn't heart warming. You and your friend have no business being together. The fallen angels have expressily forbidden all contact between our side and theirs. Have you forgotten that already." Freed

"Now then shall we finish what we came to do. Not that it matters much. I hope you said your prayers." Freed said preparing to strike

Asia jumped in front of Issei.

"You got to be kidding me" Freed

"Please don't. I beg of you have mercy. Please forgive this man for his sins Father Freed. Please let him go." Asia

Issei was a bit surprised by this.

"That thing isn't a man. It's a devil. You made a pledge to defeat our enemies." Freed

"It doesn't matter to me what he is. There is goodness in him. I know it. You just can't kill him. How could you actually believe the Father(God) would approve." Asia

"Enough of this bullshit" Freed said before slashing her clothes

Asia covered her breasts with her hands.

"Have you lost your fucking mind. What are there maggots growing in that stupid head of yours." Freed said as he grabbed Asia by the face

"Our fallen angel friends said I couldn't hurt you but at this moment I don't care.

"Lay one hand on her and i will make sure you live to regret it." Issei said as he glared at him

"Is that so" Freed chuckled

Freed was shocked when he saw Issei's arm regenerate.

"What" Freed

"It's my turn now." Issei said as his eyes glowed.


Issei: The Black Butler Where stories live. Discover now