ch-8 Gojo sealed

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Gojo pov

In the headquarter of the jujutsu kaisen;

Gojo: So here is what is going on; a big lizard decided to attack the country of freedom and guns which results in a world wide alert of titans.

Higher up #1: What is a titan? Are they some sort of curse?

Gojo: Hey old man, listen carefully. I will tell this only one time, So here is what I can get from my students: it is a big creature about 60 feet in height, he can use some sort of atomic attack from its body and he also releases a lot of nuclear energy.

Higher up #2: Can you not kill it?

Gojo: Hey, careful there, everyone knows that I am the strongest and of course I will win

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Gojo: Hey, careful there, everyone knows that I am the strongest and of course I will win. But I doubt that any one other than a special grade might even do anything to it.

Higher up #5: Then it is decided you will go and kill them. Along with other special grade sourcers. And the rest of Kyoto and jujutsu high will go and take care of these low level curses.

Random servant: sir we just got an emergency all the 5 alive titans are coming straight to japan and they will hit japan in about 6 hrs.

Higher up #4: what should we do, hey gojo go kill them now i don't care how but go kill them.

Higher up #2: He left.

Higher up #3: Damn that brat, one day he will die fighting these damn curses.

Higher up #1: We are all leaving Japan now.

Higher up #2: Yes!!! We will go to mainland China. 'Get ready everyone, things are about to get a lot more entertaining.' (I am sure master diablo will be pleased with the results)

End of flashback;

Gojo: 'and here I thought the thing would be easy since I just ignored the orders of the higher up. What do we have here? just humans, and the special grade curse!!! what do they want?'

Gojo: "Oh, look, it's Jogo and the gang trying to crash my party at B5F. Did you guys bring snacks? Or are you my snacks?"

Jogo (to Hanami): "Block the exit with your roots. Let's trap Gojo here.

What are they even trying to do here, are they planning to bore me to death, wait are they trying to use humans as a meat shield against me or something. That even more stupid idea did they forget that i can fight hand to hand and travel at mach 3 speeds.

Civilians scramble as the curses play whack-a-mole with them causing a mass panic as humans start to die left and right. While I have to fight them. Huff lets punch some sense into their brain directly.

Clenching my fist I dash in front of jogo the fiery bastard but surprise or don't be a blood piercing came in my direction. And bounce of my ever active infinity.

DIABLO REINCARNATED IN JUJUTSU  KAISEN VERSEWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu