ch-1 Divine order

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Today was a really boring day

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Today was a really boring day. I miss the time when I worked as lord rimuru's secretary. Well, he has gone to different outerverse to do an important job and gave me a job to manage the entire hell and all of the tempest with my black numbers.

[Author: not even one month has passed since rimuru went to Naruto verse and Dragon Ball verse. Diablo is still crying.

Ciel: agreed he is being noisy again.]

My current job is so boring, you won't believe it

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My current job is so boring, you won't believe it. I work in hell, managing demons and killing some useless monsters. You'd think that would be exciting, right? Wrong. It's the same thing every day. Wake up at the crack of doom, drag myself to the office, and deal with a bunch of lazy, incompetent, and rebellious demons who can't follow simple instructions. Then I have to go out and slay some cryptics, which are these pathetic creatures that look like a cross between a slug and a pineapple and dead insects.

But they're so weak and stupid that they can't even put up a fight. They just squeak and squirm and die with a blast, which is no fun at all. Then I have to go back to the office and do a pile of paperwork, documenting every kill and every complaint from the angels. The angels are always whining about how the cryptics are causing problems, like clogging their harps or eating their halos. They're so annoying can't even fight these good-for-nothing monsters, but not as annoying as these three battle-hungry morons who challenge me every night.

[ did he just call his subordinate morons, he is fighting the entire black numbers except the demon duke and primordial trio.]

They never learn. I always kick their asses and send them back to their holes, bruised and battered. This is my life in hell, and it sucks.

Diablo: I want to serve Rimiuru Sama I want to hug him feed him and even carry his perfect cute form around...... hu rimuru sama...(crying like a child).

(crying like a child)

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