By my name, you are my life

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Morana, the greatest leader of the underworld. Famous for her capability to fight, lead, and her love for her wife.

She loves to bring her wife everywhere and pamper her without caring about whatever other think or do but recently, they had a fight and now she's really pissed. She looks like someone who will kill you if ever you dare to even glance at her.

Oh her dear poor assistant, looking all so pitiful and meek compare to her boss that's emitting a very dominating aura.

"m-ma'am.. it's time for your meeting with th-" stuttered the poor assistant that barely made it out of her mouth only to be disturbed by Morana.

"enough, cancel it"

"b-but ma'am" she said cautiously not knowing how her boss is going to react

"are you talking back to me now!?"

She tried to reason with Morana but it was to no avail and even endangered her life!

The world seem to be so cruel to her!, She got out of the office to arrange everything for her (dramatic) boss


Xylia, The beloved wife of Morana, a doctor and the salvation of the weak. She's the embodiment of the angel of death, her looks are as elegant and gentle like a calm ocean, so soothing that you can't help but be drawn in and not care about the dangers that awaits at what seems like the endless darkness deep inside.

She's not the type to show affection out in public but she makes up for it with her cooking, she would cook food then deliver them to Morana, most of the time she just cooks for both of them because she know her wife will just share the food with her.

Yesterday night, It seems that a misunderstanding was formed between them.


The couple was just about to go to sleep when Xylia's phone suddenly rang.

She asked if Morana could take a look at who it is since she's much closer to the phone but then when she looked at it, it was a random number.

when she was about to hung up she was suddenly stopped by Xylia saying that it her friends new number, she just forgot to save it. She then went out to answer the call.

All of this was suspicious for Morana, it's not that she don't trust her own wife... it just seems out of the place, if her friend got a new number then she would've saved it immediately, and if its was indeed her friend then what was the need for her to go out?

If there's one thing she learned from all those relationship therapy it's that they have to have communication, a continuous flow of communication not just when you have fight that  you start to communicate its when in up's or down's you an d your partner have to have that communication, she then waited for her wife to get back.

"dear, can I ask you something?"


Xylia said as she starts to get comfortable on the bed

"I won't be angry or anything, just tell me the truth..."

"what is it that got you looking so nervous?"

"Who was it really?, did I do something wrong?, am I not enough?"

xylia who was getting sleepy suddenly was woken up by those questions, she turned to look at morana with a questioning eyes

"what makes you think that?"


The face that Morana made was for sure understandable for someone that has been with her for a very long time

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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