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After a few weeks things felt different as Yujin was nicer towards me. He would always be by my side and his presence didn't feel so intimidating. Hanbin also caught up on this and started to feel suspicious of Yujin.

Ever since debut our company had been planning a camping trip and it will be a show series called "Camp ZEROBASEONE".

I wasn't really excited as camping wasn't something I was so enthusiastic about. I thought mabye camping might be a bit better since I'm doing it with my members.

I was in one of the two camper vans and was grouped with Gunwook, Zhang hao, Jiwoong, Taerae and Yujin, Taerae being the driver.

During the whole trip I was mostly sleeping or staying awake to talk to the members. I sat at the back with Jiwoong Yujin and Zhang hao and it was so chaotic as Jiwoong and Yujin kept singing so loudly. If only I could have been in the other van...

After a long time we finally reached our first place which was an empty grass field. This is where we will spend the next 3 nights. We had to sleep in the same van as the one on the way here which was fine with me since I already lived with 2 of the members.

By then the sun had set and we had to do a mission to get our dinner. The mission was a word chain game and we did pretty well on it. In the end we won meat rice and other ingredients. It was a barbecue dinner and Hanbin and Jiwoong were in charge of cooking the meat while the rest of us help set up the other food.

After dinner we played a short game before calling it a day. The moment the cameras stop recording everyone sigh as we were tired. Hanbin and Taerae went to sleep first as they drove us this whole way so their probably even more exhausted. I shared a small bed with Yujin as both of our bodies are small enough to fit. It felt really akward tho as me and Yujin's backs were touching. But soon we all fell asleep and it was now the next day.

We had to wake up at 8am for breakfast and everyone tiredly head to the toilet building to wash up. (Yes there is a toilet building as the van didn't have space for a toilet but the cameras don't show the building to trick the veiwers that we were 100% camping)

After a while everyone was gathered in the centre as the director gave us our first mission for the day. The mission was to play some mini games and the reward is our breakfast. (Yes even if we didn't win any games we still will get breakfast)

After breakfast we had to drive to another place to do more missions. Overall the missions weren't so hard as we all got roses easily. One of the missions was a hide and seek game and one seeker will try to find the members in a haunted house. Relating from that time I watched a horror movie with Yujin, we were both really scared.

The first round the seeker was me. Great, I'm going alone into a haunted house not knowing where everyone is. Everyone was given 5 minutes to hide and ill get 10 minutes to find everyone and every person I find ill get a rose and for the hiders if I don't find them they'll get a rose.

Soon I was sitting outside waiting to go in and I was really scared. I hated anything to do with horror. I know Yujin hated it too so I was quite worried for him.

Soon I entered the haunted house and started searching in the living room. I had to hold a camera and a torchlight in my hands.

The living room was spacious and there was mannequins around the room. There was one on the couch facing the TV and one standing in the corner behind a lamp.

They had dark eyes and a wig which really terrified until I started to tear up. That was when I saw a shadow moving at the corner of my eye, causing me to scream.

I walked over to the dining room and looked around, finding no one. I then moved onto the kitchen and that was when I found Gunwook hiding behind the fridge. He then left and I continued my search. I look through one of the bedrooms and when I came close to the bed I felt a hand grab my leg, causing me to scream as I tripped and I hit my head on the bed frame. I was dizzy as the actor quickly got out from underneath the bed and apologised while checking if I was okay. I told him I was fine and then I realised that there was still a shadow underneath the bed. I checked underneath the bed and I found Gyuvin giggling. I sigh as I scolded him for making me injured but he just ran away out of the house.

After finding a few more people it was just Yujin left. I searched every room of the house but couldn't find him. That was when I was checking one of the bedrooms and I heard crying from behind the curtains. I went to open the curtains as I saw a crying Yujin. He immediately went up to hug me tightly as he cried hysterically.

"Hyung, what happen?"

"I'm scared..."

He was also scared. Just like me.

I hugged him back as we both stepped out of the house and everyone was worried as they gathered around us asking if we were okay.

I knew he would be embarrassed if I said what actually happened so I told everyone Yujin hit his head and he started crying.

Soon it was the next round and Hanbin got chosen as the seeker. I knew Yujin would be scared so I went to find a hiding place with him. We eventually hid in a small storage room underneath the stairs. It was dark and cramped so me and Yujin were basically hugging in the corner. I could tell he was panting and scared.

"Don't worry, I'm here with you."

I whispered.

Yujin looked at me and slowly nodded his head as he took in deep breaths. Soon Hanbin found us and was surprised to see me and Yujin hugging since he wasn't aware of me and him getting closer.

After Hanbin found everyone the game ended and everyone had roses. After completing more missions everyone was tired as we ate dinner back at the grass field from the first night. It was another barbecue but this time we didn't had to do any missions for it.

Soon everyone fell asleep peacefully in the vans as the next morning came. Today was our last day and it was quite sad that it was ending so soon. Today we got to go fishing at a countryside. Everyone had their own fishing rods and whoever got the most and biggest fish gets more roses. I sat next to Yujin and Jiwoong as we started fishing.

I had no patience for fishing tho, I waited for so long and still had no fish. Time was running out and I looked ever at Jiwoong and Yujin who caught many fish. It was the last 10 seconds and I only had one small fish. Yujin looked over at me and quickly put a large fish from his bucket into mine. I didn't know why he did that. Mabye it was to repay me from yesterday.

Everyone had bucket loads of fish while I only had two. I only got 5 roses as everyone had two digit numbers. The next mission was at a mini-golf course and we got to play golf. I've never really played it before but after a few tries I got the hang of it. Yujin was really good at golf tho. Is there anything he's not good at?

Soon everyone had many roses and now it was time for dinner. Again, we ate dinner back at the grass field and it was a barbecue but this time there was a huge campfire in the middle and everyone were sitting around it.

There was a segment where each of us had to say what we were so grateful for before and after debuting. Some of the answers made us cry while some of them made us laugh. After that we all sang songs as Taerae played the guitar. We then had marshmallows and roasted it in the fire. After a few hours everyone was sleepy and decided to head back into the vans to sleep but me and Yujin stayed outside as we weren't tired yet.

We sat next to each other infront of the fire as we talked about basically everything. Soon it was just silence. Not akward tho but more comfortable silence. Yujin then looked at me which made me look at him and before I could say anything he leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips which took me by surprise.

I blushed as I held his face and kissed him more deeply. I didn't know he felt this way about me and I didn't know I felt this way too. It was as if fate had brought us together.

We were making out for a few minutes before Yujin slowly leaned back.

"I... love you."

He smiled shyly as I smile and kissed his nose before telling him "I love you too".

After awhile we headed back into the van to sleep for our last night. Then we woke up to head back home...

A/N: Sorry for making this story so short:(  I really couldn't think of any interesting plot that wouldn't bore me. And if I continued this story I'm probably gonna just add in more unnecessary chapters. This was mabye an experimental one for me as I'm starting to find my own writing style and preferences. So hopefully my next stories will be more interesting!

-30 December ♡

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