When he didn't he popped out into the hallway, noticing that the elevator doors were closing. Without thinking, he immediately took off down the staircase in only his socks.

While in the elevator Nairobi was still in shock so her tears had yet to start so she was trying to hold them, knowing that once she started she wouldn't be able to stop.

"Nairobi?!" She heard Jacobi's voice echo through the lobby as she got off the elevator. Prompting her to immediately pick up her speed to the exit.

Jacobi jogged over to her grabbing her arm before she could walk out of the doors, "What you doing here Nai?!" He questioned pulling her towards him.

The questioned infuriated her more as she immediately began pushing him away from her and trying to snatch her arm out of his hold. "Really?! Get the fuck off of me!" She yelled.

"No- I didn't mean it like that. Nai, it's not what it seem!" He tried to reason with her. Their tussling getting more aggressive as she tried even harder to fight him off. With all of her energy now being focused on getting out of his hold, she could no longer concentrate on holding back her tears. "Nairobi just listen!" He snapped wanting her to calm down.

"Boog," She stopped fighting when she recognized that she wasn't stronger. "I just want to leave," She pleaded with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"You don't just get to pop up at my place and not let me explain," He said, digging himself into a deeper hole.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "You right, I'm wrong let me go so you can back to doing whatever the fuck you were doing." She said trying to fight against his grip again.

"Nairobi you not even going to let me talk to you?" He pleaded.

"No I just want to leave, you right I should have never came," She looked away her tears coming down even harder.

Jacobi sighed, finally letting her go. "It wasn't shit like that Nai, I just needed somebody to talk to." He tried to explain, but it fell on deaf ears. Nairobi no longer believed any words that came out of his mouth.

"It's cool," She wiped her tears. "You single, you don't have to explain shit to me."

He shook his head, "Nairobi

"No. Go be with your bitch." She snapped finally walking out. He followed her out of the doors trying to grab her one more time. She immediately snatched away, quickly sliding in her drivers seat and slamming the door.

As she drove to her mom's house she couldn't help but blame herself for showing up to his place unannounced. But she couldn't help but feel like she was meant to see that. Regardless of what he said was or wasn't going on in his apartment, she felt that it was extremely hypocritical of him to scold her about her decisions to be friends with Kaier. Just to turn around and be caught with his ex at his place, especially an ex he claimed to never want in his presence again.

They had their argument not even a whole week ago, and he was already laid up with the women who had hurt him the most. While she understood that her relationship with Kaier was intimidating to Jacobi. One thing she always was with him was honest.

That's what hurt her feelings the most. Jacobi could say whatever he wanted about her friendship with Kaier. But one thing he could never say was that he was blindsided like she just was. Whatever the situation was between the two, Sasha opening his door was the last thing that she expected.

As she pulled into her mom's driveway, she figured that she should pull herself together. She hoped to refrain from her mother knowing that she was crying just a few minutes ago. She checked herself in the mirror, wiping her face and reapplying her lipgloss. Trying her best to rid her mind of what she had seen minutes before.

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