Make the Yuletide Gay

Start from the beginning

“Well, looks like she’s gotten your sas.” Clay pointed out.

“Oh they both do. Michael has just learned to only bring his out when necessary.” 

“Oh, and when is it constituted as necessary?” Clay asked, quirking up his brow at William as he glanced over at him.

“When he needs to get his way.” William scoffed, playfully of course. “Can’t even get him to bed without reminding me of the fact he’s my flesh and blood.” Clay cracked a smile at that, but William didn’t notice. His eyes were on Charlie and Sammy. “Speaking of flesh and blood, those two sure have grown, haven’t they?” William said. He felt a strange dryness creep up in his throat. He needed to ask Clay something. “... Is there anymore hot cocoa?”

“Oh, we have too damn much of it. Want me to make you some?” Clay asked.

“That would be rather lovely, thank you.”

Clay walked off and William just stood there, continuing to watch the children. How does one even phrase such a weird question about their long-time friends’ personal life… Especially when you no longer felt like you were a part of their personal life?

The thought made William cringe. He’d never even considered how he was basically a stranger stepping back into Henry’s life. The two had been so close as boys, but after college, William had realized he had needed to go off to pursue his life’s purpose, even if it meant Henry wouldn’t be by his side throughout it. After all, chasing after a taken man was far from healthy for the body and mind, let alone the heart. He hadn’t wanted to leave Henry, but he knew he couldn’t wait on him forever, and he had done it. He had done it rather well, in fact… Or so he thought, because even now, as he stood here, surrounded by old friends and their new families, he still felt that familiar ache in his heart, and he knew what it was.

Despite everything, he still loved Henry.

This really shouldn’t have surprised him, but yet it still felt strange to him. Even after all this time apart, he still felt that familiar ache in his chest when he saw the man. It was both a beautiful yet pitiful ache, the ache of knowing you’re hopelessly in love with someone, and you can’t do anything about it other than pursue them or pretend to move on. It was oddly poetic, in a way, how, despite his growth as both a person and an actor, his heart still ached and yearned for-

“Hey, earth to William Afton?”

William snapped out of his thoughts and looked over at Clay, who was holding out a large mug of hot cocoa to him.

“Oh…. My apologies…” William said, gently taking the large mug from Clay’s hands.

“Something is on your mind.” Clay remarked. 

“Ah… Yes… So… Henry-”

Clay chuckled. “Oh of course it’s about Henry.”

William pouted and looked at Clay. “Oh don’t act like it’s obvious…”

“It’s very obvious how often you think about him. Allow me to be the first to say, it’s nice to know some things never change.” Clay joked.

William sighed and sipped his cocoa before deciding to ask the question. “Actually, I was thinking about his wife.”

“Oh. Divorce.” Clay replied bluntly. He could immediately tell where this conversation was going.

“Ah… Well, I can’t say I’m surprised she left him. She was always-”

“Nope. Other way around.”

“Wait… He left her?” William asked, actually surprised to learn this. Clay nodded.

“Oh yeah. You should have been here to see it. Jesus what a mess. He served her papers and she got physical. Charlie called me after locking herself in the closet.” Clay sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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