So things look bad.

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[Noah's POV]

Great. Just great. First I tried to Propose to Emma, And she straight-up Rejected me, In the middle of a fancy restaurant. Which I paid for. then she reveals she has a girlfriend even BEFORE we were on RR. Oh, and get this; She KICKED ME OUT OF MY OWN APARTMENT.

I guess this was just life for little ol' Noah sterecra.

I Hit my head on my steering wheel multiple times, emitting a bunch of beeps, I'm sure the people in traffic would be annoyed, or hell, even mad at me for honking, but I didn't fucking care. Emma, My Emma. The Emma I had been with for FOUR FUCKING YEARS. Had another Girl, And I was the other man for her.

If only I had trusted my gut back then, I would still be single and maybe even rich or something. but Nah, Noah four years ago decided to simp for a shitty girl, who let's face it, wasn't even that hot, now that I think about it.

Holy shit, I've never been this deep into my thoughts before. Maybe it's just the Grief haunting me.

I put on my headphones and plugged it into my phone, I tapped on my personal playlist of songs and waited for the stop light to turn green, My playlist was nothing special, It was just a bunch of TV girl and Bo Burnham songs and a few extras and shit.

As the Light turned green, I started to drive on the road, I'm actually going to Owen and Izzy's place. I don't even know how that deranged girl even got a place of her own but I have no choice but to crash at their place for a few days.


I knocked on the forest-green door multiple times, after waiting a couple of seconds I tried to knock again, My clothes were wet against the rain, and my hair which was normally side-swept was now flat against my face.

Then when I turned back, I saw a little note on Izzy's mailbox...

"Hey little buddy! If you are reading this after January 8, That means that we are most likely on vacation for a month! sorry, I didn't really inform you earlier, buuut, I know someone you could stay with!"

And beneath it was a number, just some random number on the bottom of the paper, definitely not sketchy, at all. Thanks Owen. I picked up my phone and dialed the number shown.

After a few moments, A small voice piped up from his phone.

"Cody Anderson! at your service!"



"oh.. fuck."


"Wait, I recognize that voice.." 

A few moments of silence passed between the duo.

"Noah?! Hey man! How's it been, It's been Five-something years!!" Cody audibly happy, not aware of my situation.

I felt a small smile tug at the ends of my lips hearing his voice again. It's true, it's been too long since we saw each other...

"Hey, dude, I need a favor.."

♪"You're a loser, Baby, A loser, Just like me.♪ - A Noco FanficWhere stories live. Discover now