When he made it to the front door he noticed it was already slightly cracked open. He immediately went into defense mode and kept a steady grip on his gun. Who the fuck was in his house?

It couldn't have been Mal because he would've seen her come outside, and she didn't have a car to go anywhere.

"Aye Malora, you in here right?" He yelled, waiting for a response. His mind went to the worse case scenario, maybe somebody came in here and took her?

Just as he was getting ready to check the room something stood out to him, a piece of paper folded up neatly and placed perfectly on the couch, somewhat like a note..

Dear Zachariah,
I cannot thank you enough for everything you've done for me. I truly appreciate it and I promise as soon as I can I'll pay you back for everything. The time I spent with you can never be replaced by anything else, honestly they're by far some of the best moments of my life. I'd do anything to relive them time and time again. And once again, I'm so sorry for the joke I made, but I do feel like you were going too far by yelling at me like that. I also understand that your feelings were most likely hurt, and if this whole ordeal has taught me anything it's to watch what I say, and that everything isn't always a joke. I'm so sorry if I was a burden, I never meant to hurt you or stress you out.. And I left everything that you bought me in the room on the dresser. I just felt it was respectful to leave it there, since I didn't pay for it! But I'm going to let you go now, and I realize that I talked too much even through a note lol.. I know you'd probably be telling me to shut up by now, so I'm going to head out before I get more on your nerves! But again, thank you so much for everything, you're one of the kindest souls I've ever met. I'll never forget you Zach.
Love, Malora :)

Zachariah couldn't help the frown that was forming on his face. This is the very last thing he wanted, for her to leave him like everyone else did.

She was never a burden to him at all, he found joy in even the smallest things she did. Like how she would always ask if he was okay every five minutes, just because. Or how she would have him carry her for no absolute reason, just so she could be in his embrace- even though she would never admit it, he already knew.

Nah.. he wasn't about to just sit here and take this. How the fuck did she even manage to leave without him seeing her?! He was parked outside the whole time!

The only thing he could think of was to text her, since he really had no other choice.

MY MAL 😐🫶🏼

Malora stop playing
games, where did you go?
Not delivered

So you blocked me..
you for real bro? That's
how it is now?
Not delivered

Alright. Watch what
Not delivered


The poor girl's naked body subconsciously curled into a ball for some type of comfort. From the moment she got home Lily put her through hell.

Turns out that text from earlier actually did have meaning behind it. Lily didn't even give her daughter a second to walk into the door before she started her evil antics.

As soon as Lily got that text stating Mal was coming back, she was already planning out punishments. She had her husband and his friends come in here and.. do things to Mal. Things that she'd rather not go into detail about.

And to make matters worse Lily recorded the whole thing, said that if Mal ever tried to leave again.. she'd release it for the whole world to see.

Now, Malora knew her mother could go low but this was just beyond her expectations. She would much rather settle for the beatings her mother would usually do.. the sad part is, this wasn't the first time Lily's let her husband do things to her daughter. The first time was probably when she was around 14-15. Shit, it's happened so many times now she didn't even know for sure how many or when it started.

And the whole time she was getting violated, all she could think about was Zach. How she'd finally got her knight in shining armor, and she found a way to fuck that up too.

"I don't even wanna be here anymore, I can't keep fucking doing this.." She quietly sobbed to herself, because this time.. she knew no one could save her. Not even Zach.

authors note
umm one thing abt me is ima make
some shit sad.. but nooo my babies, i feel so bad for themmm.

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