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are you bored yet?

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are you bored yet?

01:29 ────0──── 2:58

Even a mother's blessing did not chase the monsters away.

I got no sleep, no matter how hard I tried. The all too familiar demons plagued my dreams, or seemed to be watching me over my shoulder.

I pinched myself awake, and started pacing in my room, hoping to chase it all away.

The next day at school I was dreadfully tired, even though I tried to hide it. But Miles had known me since I was eleven, he read me like an open book. "You good, Julia? You look..."

"Horrible? I feel that way too." I told him.

He poked my shoulder, just to make sure I was really there, "You were fine when we dropped you off at your apartment. Are you sure—"

Liar, I heard his voice mock in my head.

"I'm fine. I promise. Just tired." I promise him.

"Okay. By the way, I think this is a record. On time for two days in a row?"

I hit him playfully on the arm, "Quiet, Morales. You're going to jinx it."

"I know. I'll see you later, Carpenter." He said right as the bell rang.

I headed to English, and tried as hard as I could to keep my head off of the desk.

My teacher cleared her voice to grab our attention and silence. She started, "Considering the events of yesterday, I've decided to void your tests."

The class quietly celebrated, as Mrs. Burns' tests were notoriously known for being impossibly hard. I thought they were challenging, but you'd do well on them if you studied.

"Now, instead of the test, we'll be doing a project!" She said cheerfully, and a number of groans went throughout the room.

"And no, you cannot choose your partner." The class groaned again, and she sent us a stern look. "I'll announce the pairings, explain what you'll be doing, and then, you can move over to your partners."

She slowly started listing off the names, and I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Until something snapped me out of my need for rest.

"Timothy Drake and Julia Carpenter."

I was shocked at the pairings Mrs. Burns had made. At least this would keep me up for while.

It would be fine. He was a smart kid, which meant that I would get a good grade and not have to do the entire project as usual.

"Now guys, this is going to be a two week project, and I'm only giving today and next Friday to work on it in class."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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