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nobody gets meꜱᴢᴀ

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nobody gets me

01:52 ────0──── 03:43

Halfway through the test, my spider sense went off. I didn't dare move, because it only went off in waves when a supervillain was nearby.

The fire alarm blared, and some students yelled, entirely focused on their test instead of their surroundings. My English teacher, Mrs. Burns, stated, "Ok everyone, let's move calmly towards the exist. We'll finish your tests tomorrow, you should be lucky, you know have an extra day to study." While others moved towards the door of the classroom, she mumbled underneath her breath, "I thought the drill was this Thursday instead."

Strike 2.

Something was up.

I ducked under my desk to grab my backpack, only to realize I had been left behind. It annoyed me that I was this invisible, but it worked out in my favor. 

I changed into my super suit and took a deep breath.

Arachne was a strictly night and weekend superhero. My cover as a regular high school student might be blown if I suddenly walked into the crowded hallway.

"You've got to be kidding me," I muttered under my breath as I saw the air duct above me.

That's how I ended up in my schools dusty AC system, crawling on my hands and knees. "Vents, everybody needs to vent sometimes." I cringed at own joke, and and kept going. It took a couple of twists and turns, but I eventually made it to the rooftop.


It was quiet outside, with just a few cars driving past the school on the road.

I thought the teachers had evacuated? And where was the police and fire department? They came to every drill our school had to practice protocol and ensure safety.

With my enhanced hearing, I heard the intercom system turn on and crackle in the school below.

"Good morning Nighthawks of Gotham Academy! This Dr. Jonathan Crane from Gotham City University, professor of psychology." Scarecrow. Scarecrow had infiltrated a school for of teenagers. This was never a good thing. The villain continued "And today, I thought for my visit, we'd do a very special experiment. We can try my brand new batch of Fear Toxin. You have 10 minutes. Good luck." He stated darkly, and the intercom turned off. 

Screams ricocheted down the hallway, and students were pushing others out of the way to escape to safety. Some where trying to break down the doors, while others turned to the windows.

It didn't do them any good, because Gotham Academy was on lockdown, and Scarecrow was about to pour a new batch of Fear Toxin.

Time was ticking, so I tried to find the source of the Fear Toxin. It was most likely going to be spread through the AC system, it was the most efficient delivery system.

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