why did I wake up

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*Lucy woke up in a cold sweat the mattress in her room was wet.
It was getting cold to her .she went under her table and started looking around for clothes .she went into the cabinets and found a small nightgown. it was tight around her body but at least she wasn't cold anymore. probably something her mom had*

*Lucy crawled around the room looking for a light her legs felt sore

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*Lucy crawled around the room looking for a light her legs felt sore .she didn't know why. She finally found the light switch and turned it back on the red light helped her see a bit. As she looked down she saw multiple bruises around her legs claw marks on her stomach and upper thigh bite marks around her neck and on the bottom of her foot *
Lucy: what the fuck
*Lucy looked around for an answer we couldn't find any besides the cold wet bed it made her feel sick to the stomach. she decided to turn it around as she did ,she felt even more disgusted as maggots in the rotten smell of dead flesh came from under her mattress he immediately flipped it right back over .she went under the table grab both of her stuffies and slept there for the night. She could feel something inside of her it wasn't supposed to be there she had gained weight or anything but whatever it was it needed to get out now*

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