Chapter 1

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That affection of a mother was something that comforted young Willy every time he thought about it, remembering his complicated but happy moments lived with his mother, many years ago; that made him continue with his dream of sharing chocolate with the world, being the reason why it took him seven years ago to travel the seas to obtain the best ingredients

Life away from the mainland was not very different from his childhood, when, due to lack of money, he lived on a worn-out boat with his mother. His greatest wish was to be able to see her again, just as she had promised shortly before she became ill

After having completed his long journey at sea, Wonka finally arrived in London, where he got off the ship with his worn suit, hid old hat and his torn boots, in addition to having a couple of coins in his pocket

Little did he know that, within minutes of arriving at his destination, his money would be spent paying fines or giving them to the children who shined his shoes, and he couldn't be bothered by it, those kids were working hard, and what if they had big dreams like him?

That was a big new world for him, the only thing he knew about it was everything his mother had told him, she used to tell him that everyone became successful there, although that success seemed to take time because at the end of the day, Wonka only had two coins on his pocket

With that money he could pay for a cheap room, for just one night, a cold and desolate night in which he was forced to walk in search of some accommodation; that was better than nothing, but only Willy didn't expect that on his way he would come across a lonely woman, with her baby in her arms, under the silent darkness

It was something heartbreaking for the young man to see, because it was difficult for him not to think that his mother, perhaps, had gone through this many times when he was just a kid. Even though he was condemning himself to suffer the bitter cold all night, Willy gave his last money to that woman

Now young Wonka was sitting on a stool, the wood of which was torn and frozen by the gusts of wind. He left his hat next to him, allowing him to take out an empty glass and a small container, which seemed to have some liquid inside, pouring it into the glass

"Oh, mother, I don't think you ever mentioned me that I could go bankrupt in a single day" Willy whispered jokingly "But what else could I do? I can't allow a mother and her baby to spend the night like this"

In his childhood, very few people had been kind to him, most of them just treated him like scum or made fun of him

"But what's better than a delicious glass of hot milk?" when he was about to take a slip, he noticed how in the distance a dog was hurriedly approaching him "...Okay... hi doggie"

The canine advanced a couple more steps to bite the young man's pants

"Hey! Get out!" Wonka exclaimed, trying to push it away from him

"Still!" a man appeared from the shadows "Leave the boy alone!"

The dog obeyed, backing away

"I'm so sorry, kid, he's not usually so aggressive with strangers" said the man "You're not from here, right?"

"Well, I'm a newcomer, sir, I come to fulfill my dream of being a chocolatier..." Willy explained to him, somewhat crestfallen

"Wow, interesting... and tell me, do you plan to sleep here?" the man wanted to know

"Just for tonight... tomorrow everything will change" his eyes shone with hope

"I understand, and in the meantime, are you going to endure this oppressive cold?" he continued to question

"Yes, sir... I don't have money to pay a room" the young one admitted "Unfortunately I have no other option..."

"How sad to hear that, but this is not the time to get discouraged, boy, I know someone who will make an exception for you"

"Oh, really?" Wonka looked at him confused "Who?"

"You'll see, follow me"

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The cold had increased with the passing of the minutes, young Willy only concentrated on following the man, holding his hat so that the wind wouldn't blow it away and he barely felt the fingers of his hands because of the same cold
Wonka raised his head slightly, only to see a humble building with worn walls, noticing that the stranger stopped, so he stopped too, cleaning the dust on his worn suit

"Well, here we come, home sweet home" the man exclaimed, approaching to knock on the door

"You better bring my gin!" said a woman from inside the building

"Oh, I brought you something much better than that, a guest!" the stranger aswered

The door opened "That's great! Why didn't you tell me before? Come in, sir, you're welcome"

"I thank you very much, you're both very kind" young Wonka said, entering the place, almost feeling overwhelmed by the sudden change from cold to warm weather

"It's the least I can do, make yourself at home, Noodle, bring gin to the guest!"

"Yes, Mrs. Scrubbit!" after a few seconds, a young girl emerged from what seemed to be a warehouse, holding a tray in her arms, on which was a glass of gin

Wonka noticed that she was approachimg him to offer the glass, accepting it "Thank you... umm" he remained doubtful for a few seconds "Wait, what did she say your name was?"

"I'm Noodle..."

"Oh, nice to meet you" the young man greeted kindly

"Okay, that's enough, go away, Noodle!"

"...Yes. Mrs. Scrubbit" she said, leaving

"...What's happened to her? Why does she looks so... sad?" it was impossible for him not to ask, taking a sip from the glass of gin, instantly turning pale "Gosh!"

"Ignore Noodle, sir, she's a very strange girl" the woman hastened to say "Now tell me, what brings you here?"

"Well... I need a place to spend the night but... I don't have money right now" Wonka explained almost in a whisper

"I told him you would make an exception for him" said the man

"Oh, of course, I can leave you a payment extension until tomorrow, is that enough?" Scrubbit asked "Could you get some money by then?"

"Yes... it's more than enough... thank you, I promise you'll get the payment"

Mrs. Scrubbit took a couple of documents, which she left in front of the young man "Perfect, now I need you to sign this"

Wonka took a pen, almost without interest in reading what it said in the paper, he signed...

Chocolate Heart (Wonka And Noodle) #1Where stories live. Discover now