Christmas short final

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rafted with incredible detail. The expressions on their miniature faces were reminiscent of the real pair, the colors and textures matching their distinctive features. It was a touching and thoughtful gift, and Clara couldn't help but feel a warmth spreading in her heart.

Clara:Wow, big sister silver wolf, this is quite incredible, and all of this was knitted by you?

Silver Wolf: Oh, I'm glad you think so, Clara! Well, not entirely. Y/n helped a lot with the knitting part. Your brother is quite the talent when it comes to crafts like this. We wanted to make something special for you together. It was a team effort!

Clara: (smiling) It's amazing! I truly appreciate the effort you both put into this. Thank you so much, Big Sister Silver Wolf and big brother

Silver wolf: you're very welcome. Now clara, since we're still waiting for y/n, how about we make cookies from scratch?

Clara: Baking cookies from scratch sounds like a fantastic idea! I've always wanted to try making some special Christmas cookies.

Silver Wolf: Perfect! Let's gather the ingredients and get started. I'll guide you through the recipe.

(Meanwhile at belobog )
(y/n pov)

Y/n made his way through the familiar pathways toward the cemetery, the crisp air carrying a hint of nostalgia and a tinge of sorrow. Carrying a small bouquet of fresh flowers, he walked with purpose, his steps measured yet resolute.

As he arrived at the cemetery gates, memories of the past year flooded his mind, especially the moments spent with Cocolia. The trailblazer encounter lingered as a poignant memory, one that had left an indelible mark on his life and on the fate of Belobog.

With a heavy heart, Y/n approached Cocolia's grave, adorned with an elegant marble headstone. The sight of it brought forth a wave of emotions, a reminder of their shared history, the trials they faced, and the choices that ultimately led to this final resting place.

Placing the bouquet gently by the grave, Y/n took a moment to reflect in silence. Memories of Cocolia flashed through his mind-the times they spent training, the moments of camaraderie, and the shadow of betrayal that ultimately severed their bond. He closed his eyes, silently paying his respects to a friend who had once been a guiding presence in his life.

Y/n: (whispers softly) Cocolia, it's been a year since... since everything changed. I hope you found peace in the afterlife. Don't worry about Belobog,your daughter Bronya has taken on some of your responsibilities. There are so many things I wish I could say to you, things I wish I had said before the Stellorn's influence took hold. But for now, I'll carry those unspoken words with me and strive to make things right.oh and one last thing merry Christmas!

As Y/n turned to leave the cemetery,
However, just as he reached the cemetery gates, a voice calling out to him broke the silence.

???: I figured you would come and visit her grave on Christmas.

Y/n paused, turning back to locate the source of the voice. He spotted Serval, a close acquaintance of y/n

Y/n: Serval... Yeah, it felt important to be here today. How have you been holding up?

Serval: It's been tough, you know? Missing someone who was like family. Bronya is doing her best, but it's not the same without her mother. And you, Y/n? How are you coping?

Y/n: Well, mentally I'm holding up quite well, but I'm concerned about my emotional state but lucky for me there people around me comforting me like my friends.

Serval: I get it. Losing Cocolia was a big blow for everyone. Remember, it's okay not to have it all together. You've got friends like me here for you.

Y/n: It's strange how time has a way of softening the sharpest edges of grief, yet moments like this bring it all back, don't they?

In the end it is all a game ( silver wolf X reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant