Izuku Midoriya

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TW: Bully, Abuse, PTSD, Mention of Suicide

On the surface the stuff with the main character doesn't seem like an issue but the problems actually stem from the series itself and its treatment of Deku. Like I get it you were inspired by Spider-Man but the thing is Spidey has been appreciated for his heroism just as much as people not praising him. Many of whom are fellow heroes and civilians with the only regular person who actively demonize him are supervillains and J. Jonah Jameson (Who even funded the Spider Slayers and Scorpion to kill Spider-Man).

There is the other problem that the series' handling of bullying is well for lack of a better term completely garbage this is because they never really focused on Deku's trauma from the abuse that Bakugo put on him instead only focusing on Bakugo and his deal ranging from his pride and temper. I mean literally in the first chapter/episode Bakugo literally tells Midoriya to end his own life and prey that in the next life he would be given a quirk and to make matters worse Bakugo get constantly praised by everyone. And to top off the teachers only get involved when things get physical not when Bakugo yells at Deku. Okay do I even need to explain why it feels so bass ackwards? Because I'll try, keep in mind I'm not a psychologist or therapist or anything like that but to put it simply Bakugo never face consequences for his clearly awful behavior instead he faces the opposite which is in turn enabling his behavior.

To make matters even more questionable is that fact because Deku's trauma is never focus on. Which makes his arc never feels like it's very satisfying, instead it feels after a while he just never stops having trauma. Which gets even more questionable when the series tackles mental health and decides instead of focusing on Deku it focuses on of all things the villains, actually now that I think about it the fact that series prefers to claim serial killers and terrorist are just mentally ill suddenly makes so much more sense. Still disgusting but it makes sense.

So I decided in this hypothetical rewrite to change the narrative to having people who refuse to praise the hero for any reason she still has many people including the adults not just her mom and her mentor. Sure people like her teacher would be very concerned about how she responses to the situation with reckless abandon but at the same time is grateful about the fact that there is a student that's does have what it takes to become a hero.

Also yes I am I'm going to be focusing on her trauma as a victim of bullying at least early on with her homeroom teacher after seeing her have a panic attack to go visit the guidance counselor and after a look at the situation decides to recommend therapist that works with bully victims. Now it will not be the focus of her story all the time instead she will be focusing on her battles with villains and spending time with her friends so that way when we do meet up with her shrink it won't be annoying to have the character walk around in circles but at the same time you know that she has made progress in putting herself in a better situation than when she started because that path of recovery is long but it's not a mountain it's a flat plane so it can be walked on, and it's one that has to be walked on alone.

And her bully does suffer the consequences of his actions where he would be given two choices, anger management counseling and work to improve on his personal issues or see how far he can go before getting expelled from school.

In regards to the design my biggest problem is that Deku rarely is ever puts that hood on over his head, it's supposed to keep everyone not knowing who he really is by recognizing his face, and the fact that no one calls him out on the fact that instead of trying to become his own hero he makes sure his costume tries everything in its power to make himself look like All Might. And as you might guess from my little tirade about the mental health stuff in this series you can kind of guess that I'm not big on the fact that his hero name is Deku when you remember it derived from an insulting nickname that was given to him by Bakugo to continue bullying him.

So in the rewrite when in the costume she does exactly that. The costume itself is comprised of a light weight flexible armor that will give her a boost in defense without restricting movement or speed. With the eyes of the hood containing protective lenses are also equipped with an A.R. (Augmented Reality) system that is connect to the Hero Network to look into villain activity, scan the environment to assist in dealing with threats. A listening device to contact allies is also strapped into the inside of the hood. There is also the face mask that's retractable to protect her face and is equipped with a microphone and speaker to be able to talk others.

The gloves, boots and suit itself is also equipped with means of shock absorption to keep One-For-All from being too much for her body to handle. She also has her utility belt which has means for first aid, and means for capturing a villain.

Hey Dark I was wondering, why are you misgendering Deku and saying his name? Oh I was wondering if you were paying attention because here's the thing is in the rewrite she's a transwoman. This is because in the actual series' LGBT rep is pretty weak, like Twitter conformation bad on one instance and the other one was a one step forward three steps back kind of situation, I mean one trans character is Tiger who you only know about this in a character bio and not in the actual story and the other one was Magne a villain and she was also the first character death and that's for canonical LGBT rep (Toga's also implied to be Bi/Pan but that's gross due to her being a serial killer). I'll say the new names after this part.

This is where we are going to bring in how One-For-All is going to work. For starters the quirk actually changes your body to give you your dream body so for example if you dream body is to be a beefcake you become a beefcake, so for the protagonist because she's a trans girl she will go from a having the physical appearance of a plain looking boy to looking like an attractive teenage girl. I am going to change OFA thought so in doesn't just transfer the quirks of previous users to the next generation sorry. This is because I want the hero learn new different types of martial arts starting with Full Contact Kickboxing from when she was training with her predecessor and later on learning how to use Jeet Kune Do to increase her repertoire for combat and become a stronger fighter. Although I did think of a really cool way for OFA to be a lot more than a strength boost, more on that below.

Another thing overly damage of the body because she can't control the power of OFA I'm going to have it be from the fact that her control is bad due to her mental health. So that's actually another benefit of getting her mental health taken care of.

But anyway rapping this up I'm going to give you her civilian name and her hero name.

Civilian name: Kubo Airi (Written like how it would be written in Japan; No you're not going to hear her deadname)

Hero name: Kibo (If you know Japanese you know why I pick this name)

Quirk: One for All

· It can be passed from person to person by absorbing the willing users DNA

· Physical augmentation (Strength, speed, durability, healing, senses can all be increased)

· Can give allies that have a strong bond with the user (Close friend, family member, lover) a boost of power to their quirk

· Can use those same allies quirks

Her Story is in the next part

Hypothetical Rewrite: My Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now