💔❤️‍🔥The Strongest Neck Cant Stand My Teeth

Start from the beginning

I huffed, opening my eyes to see red. I looked over my shoulder, the little white bunny standing there, clueless about what was about to happen.

I could feel the drool slip from my mouth, my eyes fixing onto the prey.

So clueless and close, I could just...


I leaped at it, aiming for the neck. With ease I pinned it to the floor, my claws digging into its chest. I quickly bit its neck hard to suffocate it.

It struggled, kicking with it's strong legs. Not strong enough to get out though.

I felt it's kicks growing weaker by the second as I suffocated it, its blood pouring into my mouth. It tasted so good to hunt again, to kill-

As quick as I pounced onto my prey, I got pulled away from it. I struggled, my eyes glued onto the helpless bunny that was scrambling to get up.

I screamed as my arms were restricted and I was dragged away from it. I twisted in my attacker's arms, struggling as I bit their shoulder hard. I kicked my feet, trying to find my footing.

They only held me tighter, restraining my movements further. I couldn't feel the floor anymore, it slipping away from me as I was lifted.

I tried kicking my attacker, struggling to get free from their grasp and failing. A hand grabbed my hair forcefully, trying to keep my head still. I resisted it, trying to bite the hand.

The next thing I was biting was some sort of squishy ball that was shoved in the way of my teeth, keeping me from biting anything else. I tried to shake my head, to spit it out, but it only got strapped behind my head tightly.

I tried hitting whatever the hell was holding me with my tail, to force them to let go of me. I did hit something that made it flinch, and next thing I knew I was being put onto the ground.

I was forced to sit on my knees, despite how much I struggled. My arms were still pinned tightly to my sides, unable to attack anything.

I shook my head violently, trying to scream out, but was muffled by the fucking ball in my mouth. I squeezed my eyes shut, growling lowly.

A pair of hands gently brushed my ears, and I jolted heavily, freezing up and trying to get as far away from those hands.

They just kept brushing my ears gently, and I felt thumbs rub the base of them. I tried to pull away, but whatever was keeping me still was also blocking me from pulling away. The hands pulled up on my ears, and I tried pinning my ears harder to my head but I can't and-


I flinched, opening my eyes as I stared at the carpet. The red in my vision faded as I slowly looked up and over to the person in front of me, unpinning my ears.


"Subz..?" I tried to speak, but was blocked by the ball in my mouth. I stared at him wide-eyed, my ears falling back.

Did... did I just..?

Subz sighed, his hands still on my head, gentle as they started to slowly undo the strap of the- gag ball??

I heard Red start panicking behind me, holding onto me tighter, and- fuck, I hurt my teammates, didn't I?

"Won't he just bite you? Why are you taking it off?" Red sounded just as confused as I felt, but also concerned for Subz' safety.

He sighed, shaking his head as he took the gag ball off. "He's back, you can let go of him, Red." Subz muttered, summoning the ball back to his inventory.

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