❤️ BranzyPierce

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Some small oneshots that wouldn't make it on their own!

And yes I seriously do ship these two.


Not in public, Branzy!

Clown POV

There's one thing I have to do...

I walked over to Branzy and greeted him. A crowd of other server members surrounded us.

"Branzy, I heard you were on t-two hearts, right?" He nodded. "I have 14 right now.."

I took out my communicator, which you could also type commands in.

I typed in /withdraw 4, and I suddenly had 4 of my hearts in my other hand.

"I'll give you my 4.." I carefully handed him the four and he absorbed them. He smiled back to me.

I heard multiple people, including Branzy, saying "awww that's so sweet!"

 "He's a normal weakling again!" Pangi jumped in, making everyone laugh from the comment. But he had actually just saved me from embarrassment, ish.

"This is why I love you so much~" Branzy put his hand on my cheek and stepped closer.

"N-not in public, Branzy" I felt my face turn a crimson red and looked away, glad that everyone was giggling and cackling at Pagi's comment still. I had to cover my face with my arms as Branzy stepped closer.

He then embraced me in a hug and I sighed, hugging him back and hiding my still blushing face into his shoulder.

Let's just say that night was filled with celebration and fun.


WAAAASP! (Warning! It's long)

(They [Clown, Branzy, RekRap, and Spoke] all had a house that they shared located near their actual base, bout 100 blocks away. Spoke and RekRap were out currently grinding and trading with villagers at their base, so Branzy and Clown were left at home.)

Branzy POV

I let the dogs out to go potty like normal, and shut the glass door.

I was about to turn around when I saw a large, flying insect right next to the door.

I slowly backed up, eyes glued onto it.

I didn't hesitate to rush backwards,

"Cloooooownnn! I need help!" I shouted, eyes glued onto the wasp.

Worst thing was, it's a yellow jacket.

Meaning one sting and I die instantly. Sorta. I don't know if that's true, but according to my friend, Bri (aka me lol), if you get stung by a wasp, especially yellow jacket, right where your spine is on your neck, you die instantly. (I had a nightmare about that once and it haunts me to this day)

Clown didnt respond.

I called for him again.

The wasp landed on the door and I shrieked. 


I stepped back and felt something tap my shoulder.

And of course, I screamed.

I turned around and backed up all the way until I hit a wall.

I got a good look at it, and then whined.

"Clooooownnn! Don't do thaaaat!" He chuckled as he stepped closer. 

"Awwh I'm sorry, Branzy! I thought it would be funny, which it was~" he stepped closer and grinned. 

Lifesteal SMP oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें