Chapter 7: Love and Loss

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After a devastating loss, will the Doctor ever find hope in bringing his family back together again, with Sydney's (his true daughter's) help? Will he ever forgive his corrupt daughter and learn to love her again? Will she learn to love him in return?


"MOM!" I cry in absolute horror at what I've done.

I immediately drop the gun and run to her side. I drop down on my knees and lean over her to assess the damage. There is a large gun blast across her chest, and her entire front is stained with dark-red blood, and it's spreading fast, forming a pool on the floor around her.

"Oh my god!" I gasp in shock, feeling sick to my stomach. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean—"

"Don't worry about it...Sydney," she chokes out in pain. " my husband."

"Okay..." I say as I take out my cellphone from my pocket, fumbling with it due to the intense shaking in my hands. "Um..." I scroll through my 'Contacts' list for the Doctor's (technically the TARDIS's) number, but I can't find it. Of course, I think to myself, because this isn't my world. Of course I wouldn't have it since I never properly knew the Doctor in this world, even though I did in my 'other world.' Instead, I take a few seconds to try and recall what the exact number was, but I can't seem to remember it either; and even if I did, who's to say it's not the same number as in my other world? "I don't have his number!" I groan after a minute, eventually giving up. "I don't remember what it is!"

"Use my communicator..." River grunts as she struggles to pull out the specific device from her pocket. She hands it to me with bloody hands, staining it with red. "Send him...a message... Tell him...I'm hurt and...I need him..."

"How do we know whether he'll respond to it right away?" I ask in a worried tone, thinking about how bad my father is at his timing (which is quite ironic, especially for a time-traveler). "How do we know whether it'll be sent to the correct Doctor?" I add, highly doubting that any other Doctors before my father's specific variant will respond to the message since they wouldn't know who River is.

"It will be sent to the correct Doctor," River assures me. "I've...programmed it to do so. He should respond to it right long as you word it just right. Don't...worry about including the time and coordinates. It...should adjust automatically...when you send it. Please...hurry."

"Okay..." I say again, this time with a nervous sigh, before focusing on the communicator that River had given me. Even if the message would be sent to my father's specific variant, I seriously doubt he would take it very seriously if it's sent from me, so I decide to word the message exactly like my mother would, knowing he'd take it more seriously if it's worded in a way like my mother had written the message herself. I make sure to type in as few words as possible, not knowing how much time River has left to live. I type the following message: 'Hurt badly and bleeding out. Please come quickly. -RS', before sending it off, hoping it would reach my father in time and he responds to it in time as well. "It's sent," I assure my mother immediately after as I set her communicator aside and turn my focus back on her wound. "Tell me what I can do to help you. I need to stop you bleeding out, or at least try to slow the flow."

"There's...nothing you can do..." she shakes her head apologetically, "except to wait... He'll be here...soon..."

I bite my lips together, both nervous and anxious to find out how my father will respond once he sees my mother—his wife—in this condition. I sincerely hope he won't automatically blame me for what's happened, even though I partially blame myself. Deep down, I know that this was all the Silence's doing, but I was stupid to fall for their schemes, despite being taught by the Doctor in my other life to never do this, but I seemed to let it happen anyway, even when I never meant to. Would he even believe me?

DOCTOR WHO: The Odd Life of Nova Sue--PART 2: DiscoveringWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt