Decision Process: Forming The Team!

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Date: January 20th, 2037.

In the shield helicarrier, recent S.H.I.E.L.D director Steve Rogers was talking with Tony about how to deal with Hydra more. "I'm not saying you're wrong Tony.....I do agree with you on getting more people to join the fight against Hydra, but we can't force them to join us, nor our kid's team. Not only will our kids think we don't trust them to handle things, but it should be their decision to let someone join or not." He said, trying to be firm but fair. It hadn't been long since Steve and his original team went with S.H.I.E.L.D to help them fight Hydra, leaving their kids to be the Avengers from now on.

Tony sighed softly, trying to explain what he was truly trying to say. "Yeah yeah I know. I'm not suggesting that. But we do need more teams to take them down. What if the Guardians of the Galaxy need the Avengers again, while we're off in Jamaica fighting Hydra by a volcano, Fantastic Family is in another dimension entirely to handle Hydra, and the X-Men are busy with a Hydra mutant training camp or something." He explained bluntly.

Steve had his face buried in his hands, contemplating on what his armored avenger was saying. "I do agree....more teams would be helpful.....but we can't just force some new recruits to join us on a whim. It's not right for them....." He started off. "Just because my brother recently started his Dark Avengers team doesn't mean they'll be enough...."

"Very true. Besides that, we don't know how long it'll be before one of them betrays them." Tony brings up, seeing Steve stare at him with disapproval. "I meant that Mac Gargan guy, Scorpion.... dude's a former supervillain after all!" Tony explained, making Steve feel better  about this. Especially since Tony wasn't talking about his brother. "Look, what if we brought people in that are already up against Hydra? Alright, then they have a reason to join their teams.....kinda like how we did to take down the Masters of Evil back in the day." Tony comes up with, hoping that his leader would agree with them.

Natasha steps in, having her own thoughts on the matter. "Steve, he's right. The more people already fighting Hydra decide to join in the fight the better." She said simply, seeing her husband's truly thinking about this in greater detail. "I know you have faith in our kids, and your brother as well as the other heroes out there, but we do need more than all them. Especially with what Hydra's been coming up with recently....." She added on to hopefully persuade him.

Steve sighs, taking a deep breath to calm his thoughts down. "Alright, you all do have a point. But I do have a team in mind to help with this....." He started out.

"So do I." Tony interrupted before his leader could even finish. "What about an army of super soldiers and iron people?" He suggested, surprising both Steve and Natasha. "I mean Hydra already fears you and your kids, not to mention your brother and nephew and..... extended niece I why not an army of people like them?" He explained to them, feeling he had come up with the perfect team in mind.

Steve ponders this thought in his head for a moment before looking at Tony. "You've got a couple people in mind don't you?" He guessed based on the way Tony was acting.

Tony gave Steve two peace signs, smirking all the while as he felt clever. "you got me. How do you feel about Bucky and Sam Wilson being on this team?" He asked, grinning ear to ear. "Think about this for a bit. Sam Wilson being an American symbol as Eagle since he's got that suit and shield you let him keep and Bucky would want to snipe a bunch of them." Tony brings up casually.

Steve nodded his head in agreement with this idea. "Okay...... that's two of them so far, two of them that I personally know." He says with a calculating gaze at his friend's team, able to tell Tony was curious about who he was referring to. "Peggy Carter could be a huge help to them." Natasha looked at Steve, a little bit concerned about what he could mean by this. "Think about it. Aside from me, Bucky and Jason, she's got the most experience fighting Hydra. She could be effective against them." He explained to them.

Tony nods his head in understanding with Natasha. "Fair point....okay....what about.... Ross? Ya know.... Thunderbolt Ross......Red Hulk...." He then suggested, seeing the bewilderment in his Allies' eyes. "I know I know. But every team needs a Hulk right?"

Natasha pondered a thought in her mind, having something in mind already. "Okay....what about Pepper Potts and Rhodey? They both got iron suits too. Sure Rhodey's got several more years of experience, but Pepper has shown she's got potential." She told Tony, who she could tell was freaking out about this experience inside.

Tony was doing everything in his power to not freak out and say something he'll regret. "Look I agree with you that Rhodey would make an excellent addition to the future team....but we are not dragging my wife into this's bad enough my kids- erm.... our kids are already put into the danger without us now....I can't risk losing her......" He told them, his concern for her visibly showing on his face.

Steve walked up to the armored avenger, placing a hand gently on his shoulder. "Tony, she was already involved the day they came to your home to get Ultron...... they'll come after her at some point to get to you through her...." He explained to Tony. "Besides, isn't it like how you told me...? We can't shelter our families like that forever...... they'll have to get involved at some point....." He said, reminding Tony or what he told him when their kids got involved in the war against Hydra.

Tony looked up at the Star Spangled Man, nodding his head in confirmation. "Thanks're right about one thing....they are already involved in one way......" He said simply, accepting the fact that Steve and Natasha were in fact, correct. He then ponders the thought for a moment. "I do have one more person in mind that could be a help to this team. Though admittingly, I don't know if he'd agree with me, or join without some form of proof....." He admitted before getting his phone out. "Ill call him and at least let him know most of what's going on...." He said as he started the call, waiting for the person on the other end to answer.

The three Avengers members were slowly but surely getting this new team ready for the war. They'd discuss the next team Steve had planned later. For now though, they had a lot to prepare for with this current team......a team prepared for war...

(Editor's note: yeah another book for Earth 747.....but I truly believe you'll like this one.....'ll definitely be fairly different. Hope you'll enjoy this! :3

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